Dragonsoul review

Apr 18, 2010 17:05

This review (scroll down to see it) provides a bit more information on the other two main characters. Sounds pretty awesome to me.

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persepolis130 April 19 2010, 00:36:34 UTC
I'm totally not a fan of these female characters, and I'm less excited about the book now that I know half of it is going to be girl power/my-life-is-so-hard-because-I-am-female whining. I never voluntarily read books about women because this seems to be all it's ever about. If anyone can pull it off, it's jaidani, but I'm really bumming about the whole concept right now.

Also, should someone be posting review like this before book is even out? Isn't that sort of spoiler-ish and rude? *shrugs*


persepolis130 April 19 2010, 00:47:01 UTC
Wow, why is my grammar so bad in that second-to-last sentence? FAIL

And even though I'm bitching about it, thanks for posting the review!


milyllama April 19 2010, 01:22:04 UTC
Personally, I see nothing that indicates that either of these characters have problems because they are female. It could be that way certainly, but substitute he for she and it doesn't really change anything. Your life can be hard and you can be female, but that doesn't mean it's because you're female. Also the person who posted is an actual reviewer (fantasy book critic), not a random person. I would guess he was sent an ARC by the publisher with the intent that he review it. It didn't seem very spoiler-ish to me.


persepolis130 April 19 2010, 03:31:18 UTC
Oh, okay, so they wanted him to post about it! I totally thought it was a random person who somehow got a hold of it! Shows what I know LOL

I've decided that it is my mission to count the number of times nasty crap goes down solely because these characters are female. (This coming from the person who counted the number of times Rook said "fuck.") If it doesn't happen, I'll be shocked to the point of drooling on myself. Wait, I do that anyway... well, in any case, it's not very common that you can substitute "he" for "she" and have it work in a story. Hal certainly couldn't have been a woman, nor could Royston or Rook, and if Thom had been, he never would've been sent to the Airman. I think sex is a bigger factor in plots/characterization than most people think.


persepolis130 April 19 2010, 03:42:29 UTC
Also, if you could just substitute he/she, we wouldn't have all these people here rejoicing about seeing female characters =)


ldkirby April 19 2010, 02:53:39 UTC
Really? You should read some better books, because that kind of sucks. There are tons of books with female characters that aren't anything like that. I mean, without any other information, I don't think we can really jump to conclusions and assume it's going to be like that. It's obviously possible, but I don't really see any reason to jump to that conclusion.


persepolis130 April 19 2010, 03:40:25 UTC
Well, I don't particularly feel terribly female, so that has something to do with it-- I'm supposed to understand these female characters through some feminist principle because they're "like me," but mostly they just seem shallow and pointless. I'd much rather see books populated with men than see another oppressed woman trying to make her mark upon a world that demeans and degrades her. I've just read it way too often (and had the idea forced on my in one too many anthropology classes), and it feels stale to me.

I'm definitely not jumping to the conclusion that the book is going to be bad-- it's just an automatic strike against it in my mind because I *never* feel a sense of kinship with female characters. But I also think chocolate tastes like stomach bile, so there's no accounting for taste!


hold_onhope April 19 2010, 06:08:52 UTC
I'd much rather see books populated with men than see another oppressed woman trying to make her mark upon a world that demeans and degrades her.

I... what? Wow. Apparently the women's liberation movement was lost on you.


chimbleysweep April 19 2010, 07:34:06 UTC
Seriously. wtf.


persepolis130 April 19 2010, 13:33:08 UTC
...because it feels stale to me. It's an overused cliche in books. This does not mean that I don't think women should do this in real life! I've just read about it waaay too much =)


hold_onhope April 19 2010, 15:56:24 UTC
Then you're reading the wrong books.


persepolis130 April 19 2010, 17:20:51 UTC
Hopefully, jaidani can help me change my mind!


stigmatize April 20 2010, 05:46:20 UTC
because gosh women are never demeaned or degraded in real life and feel the need to over come it! WHAT AN UNREALISTIC FANTASY PLOT MY GOODNESS


chimbleysweep April 19 2010, 07:22:50 UTC
I'm going to try to be as polite as I can while seeing my screen through a wall of seething rage.

see another oppressed woman trying to make her mark upon a world that demeans and degrades her

Maybe because that's how the world is. God forbid someone write a book that demonstrates the fail of the various versions of a patriarchal society and sexist laws and traditions. Do you also have a problem with books written by other oppressed minorities? Do gay people whine too much? Or blacks? Or Jews? If someone writes a book about slavery, should they be condemned as whiners who are just rehashing their oppression to the point of staleness? Or would it be okay if a man told it ( ... )


argendriel April 19 2010, 12:31:09 UTC
I kind of think that I know what she meant but only expressed a little clumsily.
And while I admit that it sounded quite harsh to you, I think you're going a little over the top here, accusing someone you only read one maybe wrongly put sentence from but otherwise know nothing about of not only sexism, but also racism and various other things.

And still: While I believe that this one sentence threw this all off, I do believe that it is everyone's right to prefer their main characters male when reading a book. And it's everyone's right to find books with male main characters -like you put it - more interesting. Completely without being sexist. That's as if you accused a heterosexual person who prefers watching het porn over watching gay porn of heterosexism by default.


chimbleysweep April 19 2010, 18:33:11 UTC
ahaha over the top. Oh, yeah, I do love to just brush off sexist remarks. I'm only a woman.

You can believe books about women suck, yes (and if you see nothing wrong with that statement, good luck to you), but unless you want your sexism called out, you might want to keep it to yourself.

And don't go comparing PORN PREFERENCES to misogyny. That doesn't make any sense.


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