OOC: About Faithful

Dec 29, 2006 16:00

Faithful, Faithful, Faithful.
See that annoying black blur by your foot? With the purple eyes? The cat? Yeah, that's him. And yeah, he talks. And oh, by the way? He's a god.

What does this mean for you? Well, Faithful knows all. He randomly bursts out laughing if he thinks something you're hiding is funny. He randomly bursts out laughing because he thinks what you're wearing is stupid. Faithful will never intervene or comment on anything, unless Alanna's life is directily in danger. On an ooc level, I will sometimes double-check to make sure that the player realizes that Faithful does know what's going on. If you seriously don't want Faithful to know something (hi Bel!) ping me and I'll make sure he's never around the character for however long you need.

Also, don't take anything Faithful says personally. He's just like that.

/end of my semesterly disclaimer

faithful, ooc

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