[POI] People are Strange (Shaw, Root)

May 31, 2014 13:21

People are Strange (1605 words) by
Fandom: Person of Interest (TV)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Author Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Relationships: Root/Shaw
Summary: Shaw is an alpha. Root is an omega in heat. What does either thing have to do with how well Shaw does her job?

Set between "Mors Praematura" (3.06) and "The Crossing" (3.09) (ie Root is restricted to the library Faraday cage). Alpha/beta/omega universe, with all the consent issues that that sort of thing flags up. My usual asexual Shoot headcanons apply, but this is too early in their acquaintance for them to have had any conversation about that.

For trope bingo: "au: alt gender norms" and h/c bingo: "side effects".

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fic: w-drama: person of interest, fic

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