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threewalls August 21 2011, 13:41:27 UTC
Your enthusiasm is always appreciated.

Pashtarot's full title is Knight-Star Pashtarot, so perhaps an appropriately military god for Vossler at this phase in his life. Later in life (ie around the time that Vossler has actually talked to Basch about the stuff he likes), Vossler's patron god is Halmarut as Vossler is by that point in a different place and role.


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threewalls August 21 2011, 13:51:00 UTC
I try to write Vossler "properly" religious, for someone growing up in a polytheistic milieu, even though I'm not religious, and never have been.

I've had him swearing with Halmarut's name in stories I wrote earlier but are set in the Archades period of Vossler's life. But that story was Vossler/Balthier, not Vossler/Basch (and quite highly rated) so you may not have read it.


deadcellredux September 6 2011, 06:25:24 UTC
Oh my.

I've read your Yami fic on AO3, and I've loved what I've seen-- but I had no idea that you also wrote Basch/Vossler.

This was beautiful and hot and sweaty and chilling all at the same time. You paint such a thrilling picture of this encounter... o___O

Pastarot! I had to google it. I love it when fic makes me Google things XD

Don't be surprised if I'm all up in your Basch/Vossler tags on AO3 in days to come....


threewalls September 6 2011, 08:59:48 UTC
Thanks for looking me up here, and for reading and commenting, of course.

I do have a fair few Basch/Vossler stories up on AO3, as well as some where they're both quite friendly with Balthier and Fran. I hope you enjoy!

The interest that people have shown in the Pashtarot reference has reminded me that I still have more to say about Vossler and his faith.


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