Feb 11, 2008 08:12
Name: Well, Ocularis, obviously. Or less obviously, Ellen.
Fandom niche: Bit o' this, bit o' that.
Why did you see "3:10 to Yuma"? Because of the joy that is Kevin Durand. The fact that Christian Bale happened to be there too also helped.
Who was your favorite character? Tucker because he was just a joy to dislike. And while I knew what happened to him before I saw the movie, it was still kind of spectacular. I just really wish it had of happened later on because I was just enjoying him so much. I do kind of think there was more to him and I know that not too much attention could be paid to him and all that...but I so wanted it! I could probably talk about him all day, but I wont...
I do need to see this movie again (perhaps when it comes to DVD over here) but I'm sure I can find something all wonderfully angsty about that man.
Why did you like the movie? It just had such a great balance between action and issues and all that lovely stuff that I like to see in a movie. Characters really make me love or hate a movie and I have to say that this movie had some just brilliant characters. They all felt so real and I could feel things for them. Usually I don't really get into the whole Western Genre, but this may need a rethink.
And on a completely superficial level: Men on horseback, shooting guns and running around and jumping and stuff? Come on!
Anything else you want to add? If anyone has any icons of Tucker they want to cough up...I'd happily take them. Or if you could steer me towards some screencaps...I'll make 'em myself.