Sep 30, 2015 23:55
Give me your two cents... how am I doing? Flaming ≠ concrit; it won't be tolerated!
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All I ask is that you be civil and mature. Because if you throw a barrage of "you suck" at me, I'm probably just going to laugh. 8|
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Discedo as a whole has kind of... really broken Zoro and forced him to rebuild from the ground up. The idea for the pairing had been tossed around jokingly, but as time went on, we kind of found little inklings here and there for plausible ways to make it happen. When it all really began, from an IC standpoint, it wasn't ever intentional. Zoro was very focused on his goals, and getting himself and what crew members were in Discedo back to the Grand Line ASAP. But then things started happening - things that were entirely out of his control. Umi had become something honorary nakama. She was close with the OP cast that was there. So when bad things happened to her, it began to get under his skin much in the way someone just fucking with Luffy would have.
It took him months and a lot of events in-between to even realize that there was something beyond that. And even when he did finally figure it out and come to terms with it (in his own, bizarre marimo way), he never had the intent of letting it happen.
But hey, Discedo shit on his face. He was forced to break his own vows to himself - twice. Twice in the course of three months, he was killed, once in a situation where he had little time to act - and by the time he could, it was too late. And the second was at the hands of his own crew, saving him from himself and the (quite literal, thanks to an event) monster he'd become.
The first time, he broke. He'd failed himself. The second time was worse because he knew it was coming, tried to fight it and failed. It didn't help that his own crewmates had gotten hurt and killed, and he was powerless to stop it. At that point, he began realizing that he couldn't live like he didn on the Grand Line. He would never, ever dream of giving up on his goals - but he knew he couldn't accomplish them in Discedo. He couldn't stay alive under his own free will - and how could he become the world's greatest swordsman when the person he had to defeat wasn't there?
Things further got worse for him because of it. And then I'd pulled him from a canon update, at which point something else was revealed. When he left, he didn't remember anything from Discedo. He'd gone about things like he never left. Which, in a certain sense only made things worse.
I guess from an IC standpoint, it put things in perspective for him. He'd never give up on his goals - he still trains himself on a daily basis - but they're on hold. And knowing that he can't control the city, or what he'll remember, he's just seizing life. There's nothing explicit about the relationship. He fails pretty hard all the time because he knows that under normal circumstances, he'd never be in this situation. But his circumstances are far from normal. He's homesick, without a good portion of the people who matter to him.
Maybe it's hard to see the progression, but it took well over a year to get to where he is now - and there were a lot of factors that brought him to that development. There are countless threads that chronicle getting to that point and a lot of intropection -- so if this doesn't explain it well (my brain is haphazard at explaining these things), I can pull up a bunch of those threads? I don't really know how much you've read, so it's hard to gauge.
SO YEAH. tl;dr Zoro's life sucks most of the time and it's fucked him up in the head. ._.
...IDK, does that explain anything? /fail
But that all made sense to me! I figured there is plenty of material to back up the relationship Zoro has, but I just wanted to hear it from one of the muns myself. xD So I thank you for taking the time out to explain the reasoning behind it. /o/ I quite enjoyed the read.
I'm glad it made sense though, since I'm tired and delirious. And hardly ever make sense anyway. And I didn't mind explaining it -- after all, it's not outright stated anywhere. Maybe I should consider making a little note in here about the changes, actually. \o/ Thank you for reading all of that, wonderful anon!
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