Title: Something New
threesquares Rating: R (or NC-17, depending on your tolerance)
Disclaimer: I'm not Bellesario or CBS, so I don't claim to own them.
Characters/Pairings: Gibbs/DiNozzo
Genre: Slash; First Time
Warnings: Other than the saucy bits, nothing I can see
Word Count: 15,997 (kind of makes me want to write three more words)
Beta: All mistakes are mine.
Written For: 2014
tibbs_yuletide Day 02
Summary: Losing his memory, reliving his family's deaths, retiring, and returning, as well as some new arrivals in his life, have Gibbs taking a new look at his life and what he wants. Starts in summer and ends at Christmas.
Jethro woke Tony up with a kiss.
“Nothing. Apparently, I have no willpower around you DiNozzo.”
“That’s good to know. Whatimeisit?”
Tony’s face was squished into the pillow and he was spread out on the bed on his stomach, one leg higher than the other. When he moved, he moaned a little.
“You okay?”
“Yeah, I’m good. Fantastic actually.” He pressed forward for another kiss. “Just sore. You know.”
“Yeah.” Smiled against each others’ mouths.
“What time is it?” Tony asked again.
“Almost ten.”
Tony’s eyes popped open. “We’re running late. Abby’s going to be here any minute.”
Jethro was surprised. “What? What for?”
Tony jumped up and started putting clothes on, throwing some to Gibbs. Gibbs only got his jeans on before Tony pulled his shirt back off again. “I can’t wear the same clothes as yesterday, she’ll know! No, wait, she didn’t see me yesterday.” He pulled the shirt back on, and straightened suddenly, looked right at Jethro. “Not that I care if she knows. It’s just that we haven't talked about it-”
Gibbs, confused, still responded to Tony’s need. “It’s okay, Tony. We’ll figure it out. Why is Abby coming again?”
Now this Tony he recognized. That too innocent face didn’t fool him. “What did you do?”
There was knocking at the front door and the muffled sound of Abby’s outraged voice. Tony sprinted down the stairs. Gibbs followed at a more dignified pace but got an armful of cold air and warm Abby as soon as he got to the living room. “Gibbs, why did you lock your door, you never lock your door?”
But Gibbs wasn’t answering, he was looking at Tony. And at the dog. This one was just a puppy. Small but destined to be big. Really big. Tony thrust the dog at him even as Abby, having run out to the car, staggered in holding bags of food. And then McGee and Ziva and Ducky were all crowding in, talking about breakfast and Mimosas and starting a fire.
And Gibbs held the dog, scratched her tiny head. She licked his hand.
“You like her?”
He looked up to see Tony standing near, though not near enough.
“Just because I let the dog stay doesn’t mean I’m not still a bastard, Tony.”
“I know, Jethro.” The smile the younger man gave him was knowing and...well, loving...all at once. “Let’s go before they eat all the bacon.”