Jun 09, 2008 14:37
So im home all week just for "fun" .. we'll see how that goes.
Dont get me wrong, i love my family (most of them) and i get to see friends i never see but being here for a whole week might kill me.
But I did get to finish yet ANOTHER book while ive been here, so thats good. Now I can start on my 2 dolla Fellowship of the Ring book. [yay hobbits!!]
I might be able to go to the Tigers game tonight if it decides to not rain. Which is mostly unlikely but I can still be hopeful til 5 or 6.
And I get another tattoo on Friday with my whole damn family. So that will be pretty sweet.
Then, on Saturday, I get to finally enjoy the Gratiot cruise instead of hating it because Im finally not working anywhere on Gratiot or trying to get to one of my dance recitals. woo!
I finally-ish got into it with my crazy step mom. It wasnt that big of a scene but it made me really upset and made me realize what a crazy child she really is. But enough of that.
OOH! MSI tickets are in the near future for me !!!!!!!! I just need to figure out rides and things and my sweet ass will be there. me = excited :D Hopefully ill get to see Craig and Jen, and Brandon too.
Soo .. if anyone decides to be (or is already) around the warren/eastpointe [cause ill mostly be at my moms] or scs area within the next week, let me know and we can do fun things.