Aug 25, 2005 13:49
i keep having the strangest dreams. I havent drank any alchohol in 2 days. Go me. I need to quit. I drink so much beer im shittin hops and pissin lager. Seriously. Ok, maybe im exaggerating. Im listening to palauan radio and its so awesome. I have forced Topher (my love) to listen to palauan music for like 2 days now haha. Its my substitute for beer.
On a totally different subject i really hate bitches who get what they DONT deserve. It really clogs my water filter if you know what i mean. I want to eat guam food so bad....i need a job really bad. Homestarrunner is really funny. For some reason Homestar reminds me of Little Vince.
Nick : Go to and watch at least 2 of the cartoons! Does homestar not remind you of little vince? Heehee. I think i would be strongbad. You would be bubs. BAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
anyways i need to go find my topher and steal his ciggs and smoke them merrily while he gripes. mauahahaha
peace out A-town stay down,