More Doctor Who, more spoilers.
Forever is Impossible by
misscam--Really nicely done. Rose and the new Doctor get adjusted to their situation. The last line makes it.
East of the Sun and West of the Moon by
ariafic--Read this now. A wonderful story, a sort of fairytale that wasn't quite. This is Rose and the Doctor, having adventures at Torchwood, and learning how to be together. Also, non-explicit sex.
Four Hearts by
fid_gin--Ok, this is not so much a rec, because it squicked me a little. This is more of a "Lookit that!" It's Rose/new!Ten/original!Ten threesome smut. Including a fair bit of Ten/Ten slash. I'm not sure I'm ready for this yet. But maybe you are.
One Last Time by
jesidres--Everyone's already linked to this ultimate fix-it story. If you have serious issues with the way Rose's story ended, read this short fic. Pure brilliance!
Turning Left Again by
dotfic--A fix-it for Donna. Lord knows we need all of these we can get.
Ten Years After the Journey's End by
catsfiction--This is the happiest post-season 4 fic you will read. I promise. It takes everything about the finale that makes it a downer and turns it around. This is what happens to EVERYONE after this series, and it's ALL HAPPY!!! RTD and the Moffat, get a clue. Things don't have to be miserable. Really.