First, one I missed on the first go round, from the letter C.
Chaucer-Canterbury Tales
Are We There Yet? (or, Fear and Loathing in Kent) by
angevin2 - I can't even describe this. Outtakes from the Tales, if you will, in (mostly) modern English. Lit students, prepare to laugh your asses off.
Tell It To The World, Why Don't You by utensilestrength - Race ends up in a tricky situation with Spot Conlan. I love this for Spot's presence. What? I had a big thing for him when I was 12.
Not Your Kind of Business by
ali_wildgoose - Sort of Jack/David, implied Jack/Spot. I love Jack's characterization in this. I usually avoid Newsies slash, but this works.
Still Got Time by
thassalia - A lovely continuation of the film that feels completely real.
P.G. Wodehouse- Jeeves and Wooster
Merry Christmas, Jeeves by
leaper182 - A very sweet romance in which Bertie is not quite as much of a buffoon as he sometimes appears. Longish and charming.
The Aunt and the Ankh by
shadow-truths - Classic Wodehousian story, hilarious, hints of slash. There's a lot of other J&W stories posted, but I absolutely couldn't choose amoung them. So browse around if you're interested.
The Prestige
Only one of us by
scribblinlenore -NC-17- Dark and slightly twisted, this is fascinating and hot. It had a couple of things that annoyed me, but overall the story is so good I have to rec it. (Note warnings.)
The Princess Bride
A Storybook Story by
thelastgoodname - Just because you stop reading, doesn't mean the story ends. Funny and cute.
Paradise by
curia_regis - A Fezzik-centric story! Too sweet!
The Prophecy
Once by
l_syllabub - Gabriel and Lucifer, in Hell. This really captures the characters well. Very evocative.
Pushing Daisies
One Minute, Counting by
kaneko - Emerson Cod wakes up and only has a minute to talk. Brilliant, hilarious, fantastic lines. Must read!
Rocky Horror Picture Show
Wiles by
__rosedark - Magenta, being manipulative and callous and awesome!
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead
Metamorphosis by
gileonnen - Could easily be scenes from the play. It's exactly right.
RPF- 20th-21st c Politics (And now we have an aside. This section shall be known as the Rahm Emmanuel section. Yes, some of this RPF squicks me, but it's also brilliant and fun and you're just going to have to decide if you're brave enough to click or not. Do not judge me, is what I'm saying.)
Ten Sephirot, Nine and a Half Fingers, Eight Nights, 44 Presidents by
vulgarweed - NC-17, Rahm Emanuel/Barack Obama - This fic wins the award of reducing me to speechlessness. It's very, very good. Amazing and breathtaking. Wow. Even if the sex thing scares you, I beg you to read the first few sections of this. Wow. Seriously. Just perfect and WOW.
Five Time Rahm Emanuel Didn't Sleep with President-Elect Barack Obama by
missstewart - So, this is not a very serious rec. Much of the story is flawed. It's cracktastic. But there's one scene with Bill O'Reilly that KILLED ME and I laughed and laughed and laughed, so for that, read, oh twisted denizens of the interwebs.
Witches Can Be Right, Giants Can Be Good by
bronze_ribbons - Ok, but everyone HAS to read this. It's Harry Potter with a guest appearance by Rahm Emanuel. So, so funny. And there's no sex in it, I promise.
RPF- Pundits
Breaking News by
propaganda - Rahm Emanuel/Anderson Cooper, NC-17 - This is really good and extremely hot. I might have a thing for Anderson Cooper and I think I've hereby developed a thing for Rahm Emanuel, obviously.
RPF-Doctor Who
Irrational Acts by
rm - David Tennant/John Barrowman, PG. Normally I avoid Doctor Who RPF like the plague because it just creeps me out and I already know more than I need to about these people's personal lives just from being in the fandom. But I was curious and I was very pleasantly surprised. In this story David tells John he's leaving the show. The characters are realistic, as are the relationships both fictional and real. A stand-out piece.
Warmth Within and Without by
xof1013 - NC-17- Hot, hot like a burning thing. Absolutely perfect. Warnings for lite BDSM, as you would expect from the fandom.
Singin' In The Rain
Sunbeams Will Soon Shine Through by
mardia - Don/Kathy/Cosmo - I love this threesome pairing and this piece brings them together in a really natural way.
You're the Cream in My Coffee by
cimness - More threesome loveliness, this time with a longer build-up. The really awesome thing about this story is the genius use of period song lyrics that feels so true to the movie.
Stardust (movie)
Names, Navigation, and Other Issues Arising on the Caspartine by Marie - A fantastic look at Captain Shakespeare from a young age, as seen by his eventual first mate. Also a very sexy PG romance.
Terry Pratchett- Discworld
A Patrician's Best Friend by
googlebrat - A very short piece in which Vetinari walks Mr. Fusspot. It made me sniffle.
The Uninvited Guest by
akamarykate - Granny Weatherwax attends Susan's christening at the request of Death. Susan as a baby is perfect. A very well executed story.
Watchmen (comic)
Small Monsters by
rexluscus - Dan gets a glimpse into why Rorschach does what he does. Feels utterly true to the original.
Nothing Beside Remains by
airspaniel - Adrian Veidt, after the end of the book. This is chilling and resonates in an uncomfortable way with real world events. Very effective.
antumbral AND, I'm done! (Well, except for all the stories I skipped that I still might want to read one day. But not today...) A little late, but not by much. There's a lot of awesome above and beyond what I've highlighted here, so don't forget to check out the whole archive.