I've been spending quite a lot of time with my VVC supporting membership DVDs since they arrived. And here are my first batch of recs, from the premieres. I've separated these into two types: recs and honorable mentions. Because there are some vids I couldn't pass up even thought I can't wholeheartedly rec them. More recs will be forthcoming, but I can't promise when.
Creep by
bradcpu (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)--Spike and Faith want you to notice when they're not around. Buffy is so fucking special. Pretty, great use of music, tells a great story. A+ vid.
Handlebars by
deejay (Iron Man)-- It's important to not that there are two vids in this list using this song. They're both excellent vids, but I think perhaps you should watch the Doctor Who vid first. The reason for that is that this vid fits images to lyrics so incredibly well that it starts to feel like the song was written for Iron Man. This is a much more literal vid than the DW one, but just as effective. The only drawback to this vid is that the video quality is extremely poor, obviously from a bootleg recording. If the vidder remakes this vid after the DVD is released, it will be a truly great vid.
Handlebars by
flummery (Doctor Who)-- I could write a whole post about this vid. This vid is a deep character study of the Doctor. It's about a transformation of the Doctor into something darker. My reaction to this vid is very simply "Do Not Want." I...It's hard to convey to someone who isn't very involved in Doctor Who why this vid is so affecting, but it is. It's also pure brilliance.
Try Not To Breathe by
gwyn_r (Torchwood and Doctor Who) (R.E.M.)-- A great Captain Jack vid. Bittersweet, sad, sexy, and hopeful. Besides the pretty boykissing, the reason I love Torchwood is because I think Jack is a truly great character. This vid illustrates why.
I Am The Drug by
chasarumba (Dexter)-- Dexter has an addiction. Great choice of music. As with pretty much any Dexter vid, beware major spoilers for both aired seasons.
Climbing Up the Walls by
obsessive24 (Supernatural, Heroes, Firefly)-- WARNING: Vids of incestuous pairings. Explicit vid (Hard R for m/m and m/f sex). Wincest, Petrellicest, Simon/River. If that's your thing, congratulations because this vid is amazing. It's NOT my thing and I think this vid is awesome. Extremely well done. Sexy and disturbing and gorgeous.
Black Black Heart by
astolat and
untrue_accounts (The Revenger's Tragedy)--This is the vid that make me ask "Why haven't I seen this?" So I will be hunting down The Revenger's Tragedy quite soon. I have little intelligent commentary, but it's pretty and has Christopher Eccleston and Eddie Izzard and sexual tension. Guh.
Anna Begins by
butterfly (House)-- This is the Amber storyline from last season. The cool thing about this vid is the disconnect between the images and the song. It's a case of House protesting too much. Well done.
Beautiful Struggle by
nightchik (Harry Potter)-- I'm glad to see more vids using Hip Hop music. This is probably the best of them. It's really impressive that this feels so perfect when it shouldn't. Also, this is a vid that rewards a few viewings. It makes me nostalgic for Harry Potter.
Honorable Mention:
Synergy (It Had To Be You) by
queenzulu (House)-- It's too bad that this song kinda sucks. I mean, I really dislike the song. It's crap. But the vid is good. It's a good look at the House and Wilson relationship. And the song's lyrics work. But I just can't get over the fact that the song is sort of everything I hate in music.
I Quit by diannelamerc (Doctor Who)-- If vidding is sometimes the art of creatively editing to show one particular point of view, this vid wins. It's a vid showing Martha being unfairly treated and, well, quitting. I do actually like this side of Martha. The vid is cleverly put together and it works. I don't like the song, but it sounds completely right for Martha. I think people's reactions to this vid will depend a lot on their opinion of Martha, but as someone who likes Martha a lot more now that she's not with the Doctor, I like it. (Unfortunately I can't find that this vid has been posted online yet.)
Scrapbook of My Life by
mamoru22 (SGA)-- I have no interest in any version of Stargate, and I'm really sick of SGA vids. This is the exception. The style is completely original, done as doodles in a notebook. Cute, cute, and more cute. Also impressive vidding skills. Oh, and shippy for those two guys that everyone ships in SGA. One of them is named McKay, but I don't know which one. My knowledge of SGA, let me show you it.
King of Spain by
kuwdora (Little Mosque on the Prairie)-- So, apparently there's a show called Little Mosque on the Prairie. I think it might be Canadian (it sounds like something you wacky Canadians would have.) It looks cute. And it's a vid to King of Spain by Moxy Fruvous. I love me some Fruvous. So, I couldn't not mention something this wacky.
Dreams by
buffyann (Heroes)--All Heroes vids start to look the same after a while. The music sets this one apart. I don't know what to say, but I like it.
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