Threerings Reads The Vorkosigan Saga: "Memory"

May 21, 2013 23:44

Chapters 1-4

-So I ended up rescuing an abandoned kitten this morning and have been holding it since then and didn't have anything to do but read this and I couldn't get to the laptop to make notes. So let's see

-Miles is back with the Dendarii but unfortunately is still having convulsions from his cryo revival. This leads to him CUTTING OFF SOMEONE'S LEGS WITH A PLASMA TORCH. Small problem.

-To make matters worse, Miles decides to edit his report to leave that part out, which is enough to get him discharged if he's found out. Stupid Miles! Though I understand his motivation: having struggled so long to overcome his disability, he doesn't want to hand anyone ANOTHER disability that might make him unfit for service.

-Elena and Baz quit the Dendarii to settle down and have kids.

-Miles is summoned immediately back to Barrayar by ImpSec.

-Taura is with him on the trip and I'm really surprised that she and Miles are still sleeping together, even rarely. I'm surprised that he's...well I guess not cheating on Quinn, since they don't have an agreement, but it still seems like she'd be quite upset about it. And it doesn't seem like she's agreed with this or been informed about it.

Chapters 4&5

-Miles is home on Barrayar by himself, alone in the big house for the first time. It's interesting to see that he has to figure out how to do everything without servants.

-He attends a dinner at the Imperial residence with Ivan and Galeni and Galeni's date, a Komarran woman who is stunning and intelligent. I'd say she was being set up to be a love interest of Miles' but he doesn't seem to really be interested. Gregor on the other hand seems to be VERY interested. Poor Galeni, he doesn't stand a chance.

-I think Illyan knows about Miles' seizures

Chapters 6-8

-So Miles starts out depressed sitting around waiting for Illyan to give him a new assignment, something to do. But it gets worse because I was right and Illyan knows about the seizures and that Miles lied and he is forcing Miles to a medical discharge. You have to feel sorry for Miles because he just didn't think this was possible, really. He is so desperate to keep Admiral Naismith. But he was a special kind of stupid.

-Which naturally leads to a deep depression for Miles in which he becomes nearly catatonic. Thankfully Ivan and Galeni come to the rescue. Again, I feel really bad for Miles because he is facing so many questions and unpleasant duties. He has to tell everyone about it, especially his parents. He has to take care of himself, hire staff, and figure out what the hell he's going to do now.

-I like his solution for his staff, but it does seem like in situations like this in fiction there's always someone around with the perfect relatives for the job.

-Also, Miles, you really need to tell your parents.

Chapter 9

- Miles meets with Gregor, and what can be said other than they are both regretful of what happened. Gregor says he wanted Miles to be the first person of their generation in a position of real power, which hurts because you feel how important it was to him. And part of Miles is too bitter to even appreciate everything everyone had planned for him.

-And then they have lunch with Dr. Toscane, and I was totally right about Gregor falling for her. Luckily she seems to be just as crazy for him. I'm glad. I feel all proud of Gregor for finally finding someone because it's way past time he did. And I love that by the end of their conversation Miles can offer some genuine support and good advice.

Chapter 10-11

-Miles escapes the capital and head to the summer house, but still can't escape birthday calls for his 30th birthday. So he heads into the mountains, to the site of "The Mountains of Mourning" to apologize to the dead baby girl for failing.

- I loved this encounter with the characters from that story, years on. I love seeing the development in resources, and how the individuals that Miles encountered have led the charge in modernizing the place. And no one calls him names or anything for his disability.

-The part where he tells Harra about what happened made me tear up. "You go on. You just go on. There's nothing more to it and there's no trick to make it easier. You just go on." "What do you find on the other side? When you go on?" "Your life again. What else?" "Is that a promise?" "It's an inevitability. No trick. No choice. You just go on."

- Yeah. Exactly.

Chapter 12

-That message from Miles' parents is heart-breaking because they have no idea! Seriously it ripped my heart out. And I could have hit Miles for not sending his message back by as quick a route as possible.

-And then there's Galeni's call, which, you can't blame him for being mad, but you can't blame her for not taking him seriously after 5 months of courting with nothing serious.

-And I'm still happy for Gregor. And can't wait for Miles' parents to get home and for Cordelia to give him a supportive kick in the ass.

Chapter 13

-I'm really enjoying this book. I need to go to bed, but I can't stop reading.

-Poor Miles, having to confront the soldier he injured, even though the soldier doesn't know it.

-More interesting cute wedding stuff

-Umm, sounds like Illyan's chip is acting up or something. This is very serious. Miles, what shall you do?

Chapter 14-15

-So, yeah, I was going to make my Chapter 14 comment all about how I didn't trust Harouche and thought there was something fishy about Illyan's illness. But that seems pretty clearly hinted at, at the very least. I am infuriated right alongside Miles at his treatment and the treatment of Illyan and Lady Alys. I wish Count Vorkosigan would arrive and charge in there, but actually I'd rather Miles manage it.

- I am SO SO proud of him wearing his medals. I can't wait to see this. But I REALLY have to sleeep now.

Chapter 16-17

-YAY, Miles gets in to see Illyan by getting Gregor to make him an Imperial Auditor. And I guess it turns out Harouche was blocking him because he suspected Miles of sabotaging the chip and not because he himself had done it. He's still an idiot and a jerk, though. I love the way Miles just suddenly takes on all this authority and is giving advice to his former superior who has more experience technically than him.

-Poor, poor Illyan. I think lots of us fear the loss of mind, and you can see how horrific it is here. I have SO MUCH respect for Miles for not running from it, for being able to sit there and take it and comfort Illyan however he can. And getting Ivan to do the same. And finally Lady Alys. Running away from that sort of thing is human instinct, I think, and it takes a lot of strength not to.

-I really judge everyone involved for not making the decision to remove the chip earlier. That's the obvious answer, if they weren't so focused on security. And if Harouche had any balls.

-So yeah, this is gut-wrenching, but I'm so glad Miles is in charge.

Chapter 18-20

-Illyan has the surgery and is ok! Mostly.

-Miles invites him to stay with him and gives him the big fancy bedroom! This is so sweet!

-Miles is seeing a doctor for his condition

-Cordelia is on the way! Miles, why didn't you watch her message. Or if you did, what did it say? I feel cheated!

-Miles and Illyan fishing! WITH GRENADES! Silly men. I love that they're able to talk about Miles' career and it ending without it being a big deal or problem between them.

-Miles' elephant is identity. I guess that makes sense, being his father's son.

-And there is news about the chip. SERIOUS news. Dum Dum Dum...

Chapter 21
-So, not surprisingly, Illyan's chip was deliberately sabotaged.  And it's mostly up to Miles to figure out by whom.  And why.
-Cordelia is home!  I was kinda looking forward to a bigger scene, but oh well.  And I'm kinda surprised she thought he would abandon Barrayer for the Dendarii.  It seems maybe she doesn't know him as well as she thinks.
Chapter 22
-I thought I wrote notes for this Chapter already.  Maybe I just meant to.  But it's been several hours since I read it.  Umm...
-Miles searches ImpSec and finally finds something!  Someone has apparently tried to frame him for going into the evidence locker, but he can't figure out why.  I really like the mystery of this, and the plot in general.
-Oh yes and he met with Gregor and Laisa and they are insinuating Miles needs a woman.

Chapter 23-24
-So the whatever that attacked Illyan was in evidence for the last five years.  Wouldn't SOMEONE have remembered that?  That there HAD been a plot to do exactly this and it was stopped five years ago and the weapon was in evidence?  Seems like the kind of thing that would be mentioned, or passed on, or written down.
-Miles can't get a date to the dance.  Oh, and Illyan and Alys are sleeping together, but I figured that.
-And Galeni is arrested for treason.  I don't think he has anything to do with it.
-Oh and I forgot to mention that ImpMil has a treatment for Miles' seizures, they want to install a device in his skull that will allow Miles to trigger seizures at his convenience.  Really?  That's the best they can do?  And I don't blame Miles for not wanting any device installed in his skull right now.  Or ever, really, given what someone was able to do to Illyan thirty years after his chip was installed.  It's not like Miles doesn't have enemies.
Chapter 25
-So yeah, umm, Miles you are kinda slow because as soon as Haroche starting getting you to sign off on the court martial and offering only a year in jail I knew he was trying to get away with something.  And then to offer your old job back, if ONLY you close the case?  And it took you how long to think of him as a suspect.  *sigh*
-I really like Miles' anguish over rejecting the temptation to run to the Dandarii.  He is having to chose Lord Vorkosigan, and as he says, create that man.
Chapter 26
-Miles tricks Haroche into incriminating himself because of course he does, he's Miles.
-I like the part where Miles is apologizing for it taking him so long and Illyan is like, "It's only been 5 days.  It'll take you longer to write the report."
-I didn't mention it but I really like Cordelia's sayings from the last chapter: "When you chose an action you chose its consequences."  and "when you desire a consequence you damn well better chose the action that creates it."
Chapter 27-28
-Haroche is interrogated by Gregor, no less, which is cool.  He basically couldn't stand the idea of Miles becoming Head of Security over him, and when Miles was fired, he decided he couldn't wait to inherit the position.  Which is the shittiest excuse ever.  And the fact that he continually insists that Illyan wasn't harmed is enough to make me want to hit him.  Naturally, HE didn't visit Illyan and see the suffering he had inflicted.
-The Miles writes a report.  And when he gives it to Gregor he gets offered first the job of Head of Security, which he has no interest in.  And then he's offered a permanent position as Imperial Auditor, and doesn't even seem to APPRECIATE that at first because he's so focused on his captaincy.  Idiot.  Anyway, it's awesome, and perfect for continuing the series, plus being a great use of Miles' skills.
-Then there's Gregor's bethrothal and everything is cute.  Aral is finally back and seems proud of Miles.
Chapter 29
-Miles meets with Quinn one last time.  You know, it really feels to me like Miles is just trying to get her to come with him out of a sense of obligation rather than out of real feeling.  Maybe out of loneliness? But I've just never felt like he was really in love with Quinn.  Especially since he was occasionally cheating on her with Taura.  I'm surprised that she wasn't aware of that.  Anyway, I'm glad they're over, really.  I don't feel like she really knows the whole Miles.
-Anyway, I'm glad that Miles feels at home with his new role, because it seems to fit him perfectly.
I really liked this book.  Definitely one of my favorites.


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