So, so typical

Apr 25, 2014 12:16

Me: O'Keefe, shove over, I want to put my feet on the hassock.

O'Keefe: Mew.

Me: Come on, move OVER.


Me: Oh. all right, I will put them over here on the right side. Now I need to pull the hassock closer.

O'K: Mew.

Me: *grunt* *cell phone falls down between the chair edge and hassock - fortunately got caught and didn't hit the floor.*

Me: Oof (straining to reach it) You couldn't move even one millimeter to help me out?

O'K: Mew.

Me: Oof - OK, we're set.

O'K: Mew. *jumps off the hassock, stalks away*
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