Happy Mother's Day!
Last night, I downloaded my first three songs from itunes. I supposed they were worth my 450 yen, but I was pissed that I couldn't use the American itunes because I only had a Japanese billing address, and Augustana and Travis were only available in the American stores.
So then I downloaded LimeWire and went download crazy.
Downloading music was against my policy. Now, I'm so glad to have it back. I had stopped sometime in freshman year after WinMX and Aries failed me and I'd been craving to downloaded for free for ages. My lame excuse is that I don't download TONS like many people I know, and I usually download to get a sample of the artists' work before I go out and purchase the actual album at HMV. And I feel, if I can once again feed my ears these beautiful songs I've longed to listen to for so long, infringing the law is partially worth it. Yes, you heard Florence correctly.
Yesterday was the Music Man cast party! So
jamesyscull and I met up earlier at around 11:30 to finish our Mod Lit assignment together. We were required to eavesdrop into a conversation at Starbucks and write it down. It wasn't so easy because there weren't many Caucasian couples and the only Japanese couple we did find was mumbling and moved away from us in the middle of the conversation. D: But we got some strange phrases. We also had time to plan out our upcoming Modernist talent show. It's gonna be a bizarre concert-ish installation art. I'm excited! More about that later.
Then we walked to Yoyogi Park, passing a Thai festival on the way. The party was chill. Lots of sun, picnic sheets, katsu-sandos, chips and salsa. Jemsy's chicken was by far the best thing I had that day. People ended up playing Frisbee, badminton, thespian improv games, or making flowered crowns.
That morning, I drove with my family to Takaido to say final goodbyes with the neighbors and the house. (sorry to be so un-chronological)