Sep 11, 2006 02:48
So I finally downloaded an LJ client because I've been lazy and have decided to grace you with a 2:25 AM update.
Last week has been insane. Just. Insane. More like 10 days.
Wednesday and Thursday a week ago I worked and also wrote a script with Evita and Christine, spent about 8 hours a day just hammering it out. Friday we went into production and shot from like 10 to midnight ish it felt like on Friday, but i went to sleep at 3 since I was busy keeping up with footage and I had to organize a La Toalla screening for Emily's parents on Saturday it was a good ol' 9:45 call time and we kept shooting until the evening rolled around (That was when I lost my cell phone, on Friday night) and then I recovered for two hours, ate some food and then captured until about 2 AM, got up at 10 the next day and began editing, Mike stayed over and we set up his computer and he went to work to get his time and a half. Monday we got through and finished up some more scenes and Christine came over and we talked about stylistics and OOE and scene order. Woke up it was Monday I worked on my cut until about 5:45 and then went to work and Closed, came back Mike and I met and cut up and rearranged a couple of the scenes and began doing some tightening. On The fifth Evita saw her first cut with Alice Park who intimidates me, because she's PSoA, then on Wednesday I had the Fat Addicts do a revision of it and help me on the fight scene that Mike had recut and we moved inot the last stage of picture lock, , stayed up really late, locked it, then on Thursday I had to get up and go and opened 10:45 to 6 and then came back took a 2 hour break to rest, ate some korean bbq with Christine, Evita, FAx then came back and began cutting for sound and doing hum and noise removal, sweetened some of it but didn't have much time for anything really, stayed up until 7 AM then went to sleep and got up at 10, edited and exported to tape, went to trianing at the NewU With the OC Register and promptly fell asleep for many hours. Then on Saturday Christine, me, Mike, Dan Repasky and Nancy went hot tubbing after me Mike and Matt went to Islands to celebrate with Tom and Mike Arkof on wrap, and watched The Protector. Then I came back, slept in, which brings me to today where I pretty much tuned Perfect Match and met with Ryan, it was awesome because even though Mike was gone there was still a second editor here cuz Krystal was cutting her Doc on Mike's comp. It was goodness.
Tomorrow work at NewU then I wanna go hit a movie for the third day in a row.. I just watched The Illusionist which was REALLY GOOD. Lessee. Idiocracy maybe, Crank maybe but that's a group experience, so is Beerfest, but I would like to watch Talladega Nights again...
Hollywoodland is out and I really wanna watch it; and there's always Monster House which I hear is actually pretty good and i wanna check out what tey use to cut animation since Christine wants to start doing stop motion.