2015/03/07 BRA★BRA Final Fantasy: 東京オペラシティコンサートホール; Tokyo, JP

May 21, 2015 11:23

Oh, Japan- you really need to start getting native speakers to proof your English before naming tours & stuff.

So continuing the video game trend, we hit the Final Fantasy "Brass de Bravo" concert, or, "BRA*BRA". Because what else would BRA be an abbreviation for? XD Uematsu himself was there to talk a bit, and for some reason toss out candy & other snacks into the crowd... He and the other guest announcer also read a few of the "Something to Protect" questionnaires that people filled in before the show.

Hearing everything in brass was mostly interesting, except for the To Zanarkand, which just sounded weird & wrong, particularly in its bizarre, jazzy sax arrangement. The last song was audience participation time, and at least 100 people or so joined the stage w/ their instruments to do the Chocobo Mambo.

  1. FFバトル2メドレー FF Battle 2 Medley
  2. 赤い翼~バロン王国/FFIV The Red Wings~Baron Kingdom
  3. FFダンジョンメドレー FF Dungeon Medley
  4. FFVIIバトルメドレー FF VII Battle Medley
  5. FFモーグリのテーマ/FFV FF Moogle's Theme
  6. アリア/FFVI Aria
  7. FFメインテーマ FF Main Theme
  8. FFI&IIIメドレー FF I & III Medley
  9. 守るべきもの/FFIX Something to Protect
  10. 飛空艇メドレー Airship Medley
  11. Fragments of Memories/FFVIII
  12. ザナルカンドにて/FFX To Zanarkand
  13. Never look back~Dead end/FFVI
  14. ビッググリッヂの死闘/FFV Battle on the Big Bridge
  15. 片翼の天使 One-Winged Angel
  16. みんなで吹こうBRA★BRA FINAL FANTASY <マンボdeチョコボ> Mambo de Chocobo (with audience participation)

Posted via m.livejournal.com.

final fantasy, 植松伸夫, uematsu nobuo, concerts

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