Dear Gackt: WTF????!

Aug 21, 2010 14:05

So, upon checking my mail this morning afternoon, I see a notice from eplus about Gackt tickets going on sale THIS MORNING for next Sat. Um, huh? So I joke "Oh, I'm sure it's all sold out by now, but let's check anyway". There's tickets. o_O; So I look at the fine print, 'cause I know he's been doing all these fucked-up special clothing restriction shows- there's the guys-only show, the swimsuits-only show (seriously- bikinis only, no shirts allowed), etc. So this one? Oh, apparently they JUST changed it (don't remember what it was before- probably just a normal guys-only show, or possibly the one rare normal no-bullshit-restrictions show). Well, let's just quote the special restrictions page, which they actually bothered to list not only in Japanese, but in English, Chinese & Korean:Warnings For the Concert,

『YELLOW FRIED CHICKENz 煌☆雄兎狐塾 ~男女混欲暑戯祭~』

Every participant must wear at least THREE layers of clothing including ONE long sleeve shirt.

Your outfits will be inspected at the entrance.

※Please make sure to follow the dress code; otherwise you will not be allowed to enter.

※The concert area is expected to become extremely hot.

Please make sure that you are in good health condition, and drink lots of water.

It even says 夏なのに (even though it's summer) on the little banner ad block...

Seriously. There have been HUNDREDS OF HEAT RELATED DEATHS THIS SUMMER, and you want to make people go into a hot-ass concert (where there's almost always someone passing out from heat exhaustion anyway, summer or winter) wearing THREE FUCKING LAYERS OF CLOTHING??!

I really hope nobody dies from this... but I hope that enough people pass out from the heat that he's got nobody left for his precious fucking TV footage.


wtf, gackt

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