- Star
- Trance My World
- Twister
- Go Charge
- Crush Course
- My Angel
- Death Valley
- Twisted Dreams
- Chaos Dance
- Die For You (abd)
Die For You
- Pyromania
- Nowhere
- Feel Your Blaze
- Burn Out
(missing Red Room songs: Silver, Check Your Head, When You Sleep, Again (b-side))
2 openers this time- サスライメイカー & ロットングラフティー. Both OK. The singer from the first band stood there while everyone else but the keyboardist left, & did this like 10 minute monologue about when he met J, & then wrote a song about Tokyo or some shit, & kept taking his shirt off & putting it back on. 2nd band was a 6-piece w/ 2 lead "singers"- one guy mostly "rapped", except that it was more like talking. Did a song "about Kyoto" that had a bunch of crowd-repeat lines, and they put shit in like 響けShibuya AX and 響けMother Fucker... one of the guys had the same Drive On Flames muffler-towel thingy I brought (yeah, yeah, I actually went all decked out tonight, complete w/ the matching wristband & FUCK shirt). (and Girl's insisting that I point out the muffler towel & wristband are hers :P" But the FUCK shirt is MINE, damnit!)
No Doomsday Clock before J came on tonight- just some weird music that sounded like it was from a Western movie soundtrack, which they also put on after the show. A few too many repeats, though. Dunno what's up w/ doing Go Charge every freakin' night. And I can understand doing Pyromania every night (and even Burn Out), but an extra 2 Blood Muzik songs? Come on, man- these are the shows where there's supposed to be VARIETY between the 5 nights. :P" And only 14 songs? The last 3 had 15/16/15! :P" Oh well. I guess it's better than going to a shitload of TSP shows in a row where it's 90% the same songs every night. No opener tomorrow- maybe it'll be longer.
Had a nice fuckup- J yelled "PYROMANIAAAA!" & then Scott started the hi-hats for Die For You, since that was what was next. So he had to stop & make up an excuse before re-announcing the right song.
Ended up w/ a bunch of pops, which I assume are from people ramming into my back left pocket where the mics plug into the battery box... damnit. -_-; That needs to a be a right-angle plug... At least it didn't stop recording this time... and I seem to have avoided getting the guy who stood rammed up against my back the whole fucking night & screaming along to all the words- I guess my neck & the towel muffled him enough. During Burn Out, there was a constant stream of crowd surfers that ALL seemed to land RIGHT on my head, and after trying to push back the assholes behind me all night who kept trying to ram me into the barrier, I had NO energy left. On top of that, my glasses got knocked off several times, so trying to hold onto them before they fell on the floor left me with no free hands to push off the barrier or keep the crowd surfers off my head. I nearly passed out, it was so bad- when he walked around a bit after the show, I could barely raise my arms enough to hope for a pic to fly my way. Didn't even see Scott throw out his sticks. If he even did... I would've been too weak to grab for 'em anyway. -_-;
Anyway- got a new Office & South Park to watch before bed. Last show tomorrow- let's see if I can manage to get the whole thing and still remain standing... -_-;