We have fiber! Yaaaay... actually, the first half of yesterday SUCKED, since the router we have could NOT maintain a freakin' connection, and every time it dropped, it wouldn't reconnect for several MINUTES in between (which, when you're trying to run a server, is aggravating, esp. when it gives you a new IP every time -_-;), but after plugging it straight into my linux box & using THAT as the router, putting the wireless one into access point mode, everything's been fine... I haven't even lost any of my ssh connections since I made the switch yesterday, something that generally happens if there's more than 5-10m of inactivity. And AFAIK, Girl hasn't gotten booted from AIM at all, either- something that used to happen ALL the time. So maybe it wasn't really YahooBB that was all that shitty after all- just the router being unable to maintain a WAN connection. But then again, YahooBB had us behind NAT, whereas we now have a public IP, which means my web & mail servers are accessible! Yaaaay... Not to mention the NTT guy measured our throughput at around 75Mbps, as opposed to the 5 or 6 over ADSL. Now I just need to get a replacement HD for my dead one (thank Logic for RAID1), and a quieter power supply... and a long-ass phone cord, so we can move everything into the other room, 'cause it kinda sucks to have it all sitting out here (the only phone jack in the whole place is
above the little cabinet on the end of the wall between the living room & kitchen....)
Only thing that's irritating is that apparently YahooBB's "2 free months" start from the FIRST day of the month you got it installed, not from the DAY you did... So even though we got it installed on 11/8, and it's only 1/7, since they're only counting November & December as free, I have to pay for ALL of January (even though we only used it 6 days). Bastards. -_-; If the stupid Fiber thing had happened earlier (like, when the stupid CABLE crap got installed), we would've had it BEFORE we left, and been able to cancel Yahoo LAST month. AND I have to pay to send back their DSL modem. Gar. At least they're letting us keep the phone/ethernet cables, although we really have no need for pastel-colored phone cords...
Meeting up w/ JSA people for a 新年会 tonight... probably head out to Akiba before that & pick up computer parts (might get a USB keyboard, too, since my other one mysteriously turned all yellow & gross-looking while sitting at Girl's house for the last year & a half, and a USB keyboard could plug into the PS3)...
In other news that nobody will care about, apparently I wasn't running
greylistd on my server before- I installed it yesterday and haven't gotten ANY spam since. And this compared to the hundreds of stock spams, fake diploma offers, and bayes de-trainers that were getting through PER DAY before that (spamassassin was good at catching most of the usual penis-related crap). Good thing all the botnets don't bother to use real smtp, so mail that fails the first time never gets retried.
Anyway. We should head out for shopping soon- also need to pick up a silverware organizer, since I brought all mine back, and it's all just been sitting in the sink since last week, since there's nowhere to put it...