Um. My first tutorial, I'm not really sure how to go about this, buuuut....I know how much a base/image quality can really affect an icon. So:
To go from
this to
What I use: Adobe Photoshop C.S.
Requires: basic knowledge of layers, cropping, and resizing.
1. First, we'll start off with this screencap (credit to:
2. You want to crop just a bit of that. So the watermarks/stamps don't get in the way. ^_^
Here's what I got:
3. Do not resize it!
4. Image > adjustments > hue/saturation > set saturation to -44
Here's what I got:
5. Duplicate it > set it to screen 100%
6. Duplicate it again > set to screen 100%
7. layer > create new layer > fill it with a dark blue color > set it to exclusion 100%
8. Still with me? Good! It should look like this so far:
9. Now take the original, duplicate it. Set it to screen 100%. Drag it on top of the blue layer.
Like so:
10. Duplicate the screen layer. Put it to soft light.
You should get this:
11. image > adjustments > image size > set width to 100
12. You might want to crop the length (NOT THE WIDTH) a little bit, to get 100x100.
But you'll get this:
And there you go!
Hope that was simple? ^^
And in case you don't know how to create layers:
Go to layer > new > layer...
To duplicate:
layer > duplicate layer
That is all! ♥