
Nov 28, 2009 10:48

I heard on As it Happens that the journalist Amy Goodman was detained while trying to cross the Canadian border. She was questioned and her vehicle was searched. She sounded really unnerved by the experience. Who wouldn't be?

I wonder if she was stopped because she has an arrest record (2008 Republican convention).

If so, why wouldn't the border guards just say that? Instead, they turned it into a freedom of speech issue by asking her what she planned to speak about.

I guess that is what happens when you are famous but not famous enough.

Take, for example, Roman Polanski. He not only has gotten away with evading a child rape charge (one can wonder if she was not the only one) for decades; but, he has all kinds of influential people suggesting it is an outrage that he is being asked to answer the charge. As if, somehow having sex with a child was insignificant. They even soft-pedal the charge by calling it things like unlawful sex. I guess they think trying to seduce a 13 year old is a sexy thing for a powerful film industry person to do. It just looks like a coercive act to me. On every level there was an imbalance in power.

I wonder if he will have to face the charges though: through the help of influential people like Nicolas Sarkozy he was even removed from his prison cell and placed in a pretty cozy chalet, instead. Judging from his past success it seems likely he will pull in other support along the way.

Roman Polanski must be a genius at networking. And what an interesting web surrounds him. He hasn't actually done a lot of work lately. Maybe his creative energies have gone into blackmail projects instead! I would like to ask his supporters why they want to help a child rapist. Like .... if I ask my husband to speak up for Roman Polanski will I get a part in a Woody Allen movie. Just wondering.
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