May 16, 2005 21:51
i love summer. i mean, who doesn't, i know, i'm not like the most original ever here, but for real. damn i'm makin no kind of sense at all. so i've had to start getting up earlier for work so that i can walk real slow. like a car with an automatic transmission, i'm not even exerting myself to move forward, just idling somehow seems to push me along - but just barely. the inertia is a form of entropy - a natural, unconvenable law. now that it's summer all those strict pathways and rigid, energy-conserving behaviours start unravelling like my uneven knitting (for real, i've taken up knitting, just like your grandma). so - disorder is delicious (like this ice cream that i'm eating) and heat breeds excess, according to salman rushdie. so bring on the debauchery.
yes that means you.