Dec 15, 2003 03:31
more survey
[ current clothes ] black pants
[ current mood ] pain
[ current music ] APB - suffer in silence
[ current taste ] Bloody mucus
[ current make-up ] Builup of todays nightsweats
[ current hair ] Greasy and floofy
[ current annoyance ] the internet
[ current smell ] none
[ current thing i ought to be doing ] coughing
[ current desktop picture ] future tattoo
[ current favorite group] (hed)pe
[ current book you're reading] A Peoples History of the United States
[ current cd in cd player] Jet
[ current movie in vcr] Bad Boys 2
[ current color of toenails ] Normal
[ current refreshment ] Water
[ current worry ] Sickness
last person
[ you touched ] Mom
[ you talked to ] Brother
[ you hugged ] Mom
[ you instant messaged ] John
[ you yelled at ] Mom
[ food ] ice cream and cereal
[ drink ] water
[ color ] purple
[ album ] Take a look in the morror - KORN
[ shoes ] 16 eye patent leather UK Underground steel-toe industrial lug boots
[ candy ] gummies
[ animal ] gorilla
[ tv show ] samurai jack
[ movie ] O Brother Where Art Thou
[ dance ] Mosh >:D
[ song ] Static-X -- Cold
[ vegetable ] brocollai
[ fruit ] watermellon
[ cartoon ] Samurai Jack
are you
[ understanding ] tending to be
[ open-minded ] yes
[ arrogant ] yes
[ insecure ] no
[ interesting ] yes
[ random ] yes
[ hungry ] no
[ friendly ] yes
[ smart ] yes
[ moody ] yes
[ childish ] depending
[ independent ] no
[ hard working ] sure
[ organized ] no
[ healthy ] no
[ emotionally stable ] Better, but not quite there.
[ shy ] yes
[ difficult ] no
[ attractive ] cute proibily
[ bored easily ] yes
[ messy ] yes
[ thirsty ] yes
[ responsible ] yes
[ obsessed ] no
[ angry ] yes
[ sad ] no
[ happy ] partially
[ hyper ] no
[ trusting ] yes
[ talkative ] given conversation
[ legal ] yes
who do you want to
[ kill ] Bush
[ slap ] Bush
[ get really wasted with ] i unno
[ get high with ] neal
[ tickle ] None
[ kiss] Annie
[ look like ] Chris Cornell
+ Basics +
Are you emotional?:: yes
Do songs make you cry?:: yes
What about movies?:: yes
What emotion do you usually feel?:: distant
+ Sadness +
What does it take to make you cry your heart out?:: hurt
How many times have you done that? :: two
Where do you cry? :: Alone
Do you hate crying? :: yes
Do you like it when others cry? :: no
Do you make people cry?:: Not on purpose.
Do you think tears make eyes look pretty? :: No
Who looks good when they cry? :: No one
How else do you express sadness? :: Violence
Are you sad all the time? :: No
+ Anger +
What does it take to make you mad?:: ignorance or hurting women
What do you do when you're angry? :: get stupid
How short is your temper? :: very
How long does it take you to calm down? :: a very long time
What's the worst thing you've done when you were mad? :: seriously injured another person
Do you freak out when others are angry? :: No
Has anyone ever recommended anger management to you? :: yes
What's the worst thing someone's done to you that made you mad? :: Lied to me
Do you anger people? :: Not intentionally.
+ Joy +
How often are you happy? :: A good ammount of time
What makes you happy? :: not much
What do you do when you're happy? :: think
How optimistic are you? :: unrealisticly
Do happy people make you mad? :: sometimes
What's the worst thing someone can do while they're happy? :: Act without thinking
Ever been so happy you were dying to tell everyone, including your enemies and the bugs? :: sure
Ever been so happy you cried? :: no
Do you smile a lot? :: no
Kiss people a lot? :: people or person?
Who really makes you happy? :: Annie
Do the simple things make you happy? :: Sometimes
Do you like doing things for people when you're happy? :: no
+ Fear +
What do you do when you're scared? :: Think and curse
What scares you? :: death
Do you like scaring people? :: no
Do you like the thrill of being frightened? :: no, never
Does fear accompany anger in your case? :: no, anger accompanies fear.
Ever been so scared you could barely breathe? :: no
How often do you panic? :: panic... attack?
What's the one thing that scared you more than anything else in your life so far? :: ...Losing a loved one
What do you do to calm your nerves? :: smoke, listen to music, and curse
Do rollercoasters scare you? :: fuck yes
+ The strongest emotion +
What song never fails to get your strongest emotions going (whether it's love, hate, whatever)? :: I am A man of Constant Sorrow - Soggy Bottom Boys
Movie? :: The Lion King
Commercial? :: Any gap/old navy commercial
Person? :: annie
Thing? :: a knife
Sight? :: complete and utter darkness
Sound? :: low distant speaking with no discernable origin
Food? :: fish stick
Thing you're looking forward to/want? :: annie
+ What do you do +
When the emotion sucks? :: think heavily
When the emotion rocks? :: carry myself
When there's no emotion? :: sleep
+ Would you rather +
Never feel again? :: christ these are poorly scripted
Feel loneliness or anger for the rest of your life? :: lonliness
Be happy forever and never experience the bad times? :: no
Cause misery? :: or?
Feel misery? :: or?
Be alone? :: or?
Be with everyone you know? :: or?
+ Who +
Cheers you up more than anyone else? :: Annie I suppose
Angers you more than anyone else? :: Joe
Scares you more than anyone else? :: My dad
Makes you think about your emotions more than anyone else? :: Annie/my Mom
Makes you really care about how they feel and what they think? :: ...Everybody with a problem.