
Dec 03, 2003 22:31

Stolen from Jared -- Thank you Jared.

Your Name: Jon-Paul Lussier
Your Nickname: Jp, Jon
Your Online Name: threehams
Your sex: Male
Your Age: 17
Your Sign: Areis
Your height: 5'9" maybe?
Your weight: 160
Hair color: Blue
Eye color: Blue
Hair length: Bangs are down below my mouth, faded to the back of my head above my ears
Do you wear glasses: Yes
Are your teeth straight: Yes
Do you have freckles: Yes
Do you have a fake tooth: No
Do you have a fake eye: No
Do you draw fake moles on yourself: No
Your religion: First Church of Satan
Highest level of school: 11th Grade

How do you dress: Usuall Goth/Freak
Do you smoke: Yes
Do you drink: No
Do you do drugs: No
Do you have friends: Yes
Do you have online friends: Yes
Do you like your friends: Eh....
Do you like your online friends: I endure them
Got any kids? No
Got any pets? Carrin Terrier named Bear and a Manecoon named Heinrich
Got a car? No
Live on your own? No
Live with your 'rents? Yes


Type of music: Death/Industrial Metal
Actor: Robin Williams
Actress: Winona Ryder
Movie: O' Brother Where Art Thou
Soda: Moutian Dew
Food: Doritos
Sexual Position: Standing with your mate against the wall
Car: American Mini
Hobby: Bass guitar
Sport: Football
Musician: Tim Commerford or Tom Araya
Artist: Blutengel
Author: Chuck Palahunik
Song: Cold - Static X
Color: Deep purple - like plum purple
TV Show: Aqua Teen Hunger Force
Brand of beer: None.
Brand of liquor: Vodka -- it's always been cool to me
Brand of smokes: Kamel
Brand of drug: There's brands now?
Brand of clothes: Heavy Red/Illig
Record Label: Total Assault
Brand of glue: Eh?
Online test: Reflex tests
Online chat thing: AOL Instant Messenger
Shape: Trapazoid
Texture: Egyptian Cotton
Game: Mario
Place: Chicago
Year: 1300 B.C.
Holiday: Christmas
Quote: "Cry Havoc! And Let Slip The Hounds of War!"
Animal: Gorilla
Sound: Bing machines.
Book: Choke - Chuck Palahunik
Drink: A delicious smoothie.


Virgin: No
Butthole a virgin?: Yes and no
Kinky turns you on: Yes
More than 15 partners: No
Have sex with music on: Yes
Had group sex: No
Had a threesome: No
Had cyber sex: Yes
Had cyber anal sex: Yes
Had sex with inanimate objects: No
Had sex with an animal: No
What turns you on: Noise, ruff sex, bondage, play piercing and pain
What turns you off: Corpses.


Have you lied: Yes
Do you lie: Yes
Do you lie often: Not particuarily
Do you lie to save your own ass: In the past yes.
Do you lie to save someone elses ass: Depends
Would you tell a lie that stopped your death but caused the death of your lover: Never
Would you tell a lie that stopped your death but caused the death of your enemy: Possibly
Would you tell a lie that let you keep your job but fired your friend: Depending on the severity of the lie
Would you tell a lie that let you keep your job but fired "that bitch you work with": Yeah probibly.
Have you lied to gain money: Yes
Would you lie to gain money: Circumstancial
Do you enjoy lying to strangers: No
Have you ever enjoyed lying to a stranger: Yes
Do you lie to bums that ask for spare change, saying you have none: No, give to the poor.
Would you dare to lie in the face of evil: Yes
Would you dare to lie in the face of your mother: Depending...
Would you dare to lie in the face of your God: No
Would you lie to get laid: No
Have you lied to get laid: No
Would you lie to get a job: Yes
Have you lied to get a job: No
Would you lie to get a date: No
Have you lied to get a date: No
Are lies really that harmless: Pretty much never
Do you lie on online surveys to make yourself seem super cool: ...Yes, yes I do. (Now that's a catch 22)
Do you lie online: Not since I was little
If lying is sinful.. are you going to hell: Yes.
Love life: A girl in it... yes...
Are you single: Yes
Are you with someone: Kinda....
Are you married: No
Are you divorced: No
Are you "Separated": No
Are you "on break": No
Ever been in love: I am
Looking back do you regret it: Only the things I've done outside of it
Do you date people you meet online: Yes
Do you date people you meet at bars: Eh?
Do you date people: Yes
Do you "net date": No
Are you happy with your current status, why: No, I want annie back.
Do you have a crush on someone close to you: Indeed
Are you still holding on to the past: Every thread

The following apply to you?. Y/N

Witty: Yes
Charming: Yes
Quiet: Yes
Loud: If I get excited
Pretty: Cute, probibly
Radical: Yes
Sucky: Do what?
Smart: Yes
Stupid: No
Dumbass: No
Ugly: No
Slow: No
Fast: Yes
Talented: Yea
Useless: No
Punk: No
Young: Yes
Old: No
Past your prime: No
You're just reaching your prime: No
Dashing: Yes
Daring: No
Dainty: Sometimes
Powerful: Yes
Athletic: No
Artistic: Yes
Superhuman: No
Sexy: To some people

The following are Good/Bad

Rap: Good
Sex: Good
Love: Good
Pain: Good
Happiness: Good
Pop music: Bad
Anime: Bad
TV: Cartoons are cool
Country: Bad
Metal: Good
Nu-Metal: Good
Death Metal: Good
Industrial: Good
Punk Rock: Bad
Easy Listening: Bad
Murderous Rampages: Bad
Sega: Good
Nintendo: Good
Play Station: Good
Game Boy: Good
Chinese Food: Good.
Italian Food: Good
Japanese Food: Good
Mexican Food: Bad
Online Quizzes: Good
Online Surveys: Good

What Shajuana wants to know about you:

Whats your deep dark secret: I'm a poser
Whats your biggest fear: Death
Whats your greatest sexual experience: Annie
Whats your best date ever: Annie
Whats your worst date ever: Hmm... Jessica
What is the most embarrassing thing that's happened to you: Eh, I am embarassing
Make a good candidate for Jerry Springer: No
Anime isn't that bad is it?: Yes, yes it is.
You agree that DVD is much better than VHS right? Fuyck


Do you hate America: Yes
Do you hate terrorism: No
Do you think America shouldn't be involved in the Mid East why: Yes, too many reasons to list
Do you hate western culture: Most of it
Do you like America: No
Do you like Americans: No
Did you vote for Bush: If I could've, I wouldn't have
Do you think Bush is doing a good job: Fuck no
Are you Canadian, you fuck: No
Do you believe your country is doing okay or would you change things: REVOLUCION!
Are you conservative or liberal? Anarcosocialist
Do you think immigration in America is out of hand? Yes
Do you think that group of black people suing some southern company for profiting on slavery in the 1800's has a good claim? Not unless they can prove relation
Or do you think if they actually win, that every Native American should sue England, France and Spain for invading them, and profiting off them? ...No.
Religion: First Church of Satan
Are you religious? Yes
Do you believe in a higher being: Yes
Is every religion wrong except your own? No
Do you believe that any religion is lower than your own, or is wrong? Only the mormans. Fucking mormans. And the hate groups.


Do you like it? Yes
Do you have any? Yes
Do you make a lot of it? No
Do you get your money through illegal ways? No
Do you pay taxes? No
Do you think you shouldn't have to? Tax's are a burden apon socieity.

Who did you get this survey from? Jared
Do you swear that this is the last survey you'll ever post in your lj, you fuck? Nah.
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