app for Singularity

Sep 08, 2010 20:43

Player Information ;
Your Nickname: Mote
OOC Journal: demotivate
Under 18? not since I last checked
Email/IM: AIM: Piloten Wie Wir
Characters Played at Singularity: NPCs Lev and Hypatia, Lain Iwakura and Hanna Cross.

Character Information ;
Name: Freelancer Agent Carolina
Name of Canon: Red vs Blue
Canon/AU/Other Game CR: AU
Canon Point: soon after her implantation
It's the 26th century, and mankind, having expanded to colonize planets throughout the galaxy, stands on the brink of destruction. A righteous fuckton of aliens want them dead, are busy attacking Earth, you know, the usual.

As the war effort wears on, many paramilitary groups spring up clamoring for some of those military contracts. One such is Project Freelancer, headed by Dr. Leonard Church (known to most simply as "The Director") who pioneered an extensive live fire simulation program using low-end recruits, tested against highly-trained and augmented special operatives, called Freelancers. Of the 48 state-named Freelancers (Carolina constitutes two for reasons I'll get into, and "poor Florida"), several were synced with advanced artifical intelligences designed to run special armor enhancements and improve their battle performance.

Secretly, the Director developed his AI by taking one AI, the Alpha, and torturing it to its breaking point, fracturing its mind into component personalities that the program then harvested into individual units. Some were useful, like Delta, who represented Alpha's logic. Some were so lethal it didn't matter they were insane, like Omega, Alpha's rage. And some were just born broken, like Epsilon, Alpha's memories.

Everything in Freelancer was an experiment, the successes as well as the failures. For instance, the project set up a pair of twins, Agents North Dakota and South Dakota, with only one AI, to see how it would affect them as a unit. Washington, who was paired with the unstable Epsilon AI, suffered a complete mental break and was removed from active duty. Another experiment, started before Washington, was Carolina, who as indicated by her name received two separate AI.

AI in Halo/Red vs Blue are anthropomorphic and highly individual, even the fragment ones. They sync with their partner via an implant slot in the back of the skull, controlling aspects of their partner's armor while simultaneously being linked directly with their mind. In Carolina's case, this led to balancing three separate awarenesses in one head. In Delta's own words,

"She only functioned for a short time, and not very well while she did."


While we have details about Carolina's life and death, we have no information on her personality. Hence the AU. I have worked out these details with some of the existing RvB cast, including our York-mun, to design a character that at least some RvB characters may recognize.

In my conception of her, Carolina (headcanon real name, Meredith) was a down-home kind of woman with a quirky cheerfulness about her. She's generally calm and lighthearted, but not excessively silly. In fact, she chides herself for perceived childishness, often the result of her AI influencing her subconsciously.

She has a strong maternal instinct, which has been displaced somewhat by her career ambitions. As a result, though, she's completely loyal and caring, adores animals and AI, and generally believes in being friends with everyone. She's not fluffy enough about it to get totally distracted or obnoxious, though, and she definitely stashes a lot of it when there's work to be done. She's not a sappy shoujo hero, just a woman who's been raised to believe getting along with people is a good virtue.

Her two AI, Chi and Psi, take on the aspects of Alpha's innocence and cynicism respectively. Chi, in my AU conception, is one of the child voices we hear speaking to Washington near the end of Reconstruction; the AI is androgynous and shifts gender depending on the partner it is synced with, so within Carolina Chi is female-identified. Psi is cynical and openly antagonistic. His battle assessments, while approaching Delta's in accuracy, are tinged with so much excessive negativity that their success rates almost always zero out. Everything is a doomsday scenario to Psi, and Carolina and Chi are squarely to blame for it, in his view.

In addition to their conscious personalities, Chi and Psi affect Carolina subconsciously, to the point of fragmenting her emotional stability. Chi's influence leads Carolina to be more emotional, immature, dependent, or easily frightened; Psi, meanwhile, feeds into her insecurities and growing depression. As their influence deepens, Carolina will begin to hallucinate bad outcomes, contradict herself, talk in circles, and eventually become so mentally disordered she can't function.

Presently, in the beginning stages of synchronization, Carolina is in denial of her worsening condition and refuses to assign any blame to her AI. In part due to Psi's influence on her emotional state, she's more inclined to blame herself for being a bad mother inadequate partner.

Abilities and Weaknesses:

We have no canon reference for Carolina's abilities or that of her AI. So a lot of this is AU speculation.

We do know that York is a high-leveled Freelancer, below Tex but well above Agent Washington. Carolina is referenced in association with York twice, so fanon holds that she was partnered with him, in which case it would make sense that they were fairly similar in ranking. All Freelancers are combat specialists, above the level of normal marines and below that of SPARTAN-IIs. So her combat abilities are quite advanced.

Her four major assets (ahem) come in the form of her two AI and respective armor enhancements. Psi, in addition to combat analysis, has a digital radio jammer which can scramble local networks and set up decoy signals. Chi, while otherwise pretty useless in battle, runs a deployable power drain drone that zaps targeted power sources and keeps her own suit running longer. Well, when it doesn't backfire and totally drain Carolina's own suit instead.

Her biggest strengths are also her biggest weakness in this case, as the two AI in her head not only are totally prone to making combat harder rather than easier, but interfere with normal presence of self. Eventually, even day to day tasks will become impossible. On top of that, the enormous energy drain presented by double sets of enhancements and AI mean her equipment is in constant danger of running out of fuel or breaking down, even with the power drain drone.


-One (1) set of vibrantly happy golden MJNOLNIR Mk VI armor with pale yellow highlights.
-One (1) battle rifle with 200 rounds.
-Two (2) fragmentation grenades.
-One (1) health pack.
-Freelancer Intelligence Program Chi
-Freelancer Intelligence Program Psi
-Armor enhancement 1: radio jammer
-Armor enhancement 2: power drain drone
-Little breast pocket diary with a dried flower and a smilie face on the cover.


Carolina has no canon appearance, so I've chosen for my PB the actress Melissa George. She has long, wavy blonde hair reaching the middle of her back and blue-green eyes. She also has a few scars, many of them faint, and one large one on her right thigh. Because she spends so much of her time in her suit or in Freelancer facilities, she's quite pale, but would get a tan the first chance she got.

Age: PB is 34, so let's go with that.

OC/AU Justification ;
If AU, How is Your Version Different From Canon, and How Will That Come Across?

Carolina has very little canon information. We know she was in Freelancer, that she was outfitted with two AI (their designations are unknown, so I went with Chi and Psi as injokes), that she has some relationship to York such that Church naturally associates one with the other, and that she was already dead by Out of Mind/Season 5. Her death might or might not have been a direct result of the AI driving her insane.

I've gone out on a few limbs for the sake of fleshing out her character, giving her a personality I feel compliments York and isn't a total retread of the female Freelancers we've met up to this point. I am going off the headcanon that York and Carolina were partners, and that Carolina's treatment was one of many reasons York left the program. I'm also going to say that she died of total mental and physical exhaustion in a Freelancer-run medical facility, being tested on right up to the end. All of this happened some time after Alpha was relocated to Sidewinder, hence why Church was unaware Carolina had died.

Carolina and York were friends and lovers previous to her illness. She treats Delta as a mutual friend. York- and Delta-muns are both aware of the details of my AU and for our purposes I'm going to say she's from the same universe that they are, though not necessarily anyone else's.

If OC, Did You Run Your Character Through a Mary-Sue Litmus Test? Because she has little canon info, yes.
And What Did You Score? 21, "Probably not a Sue."

Samples ;
Log Sample:

Paper crinkling. Hair drifts over rough hospital shift, scraping like snakeskin, slithering smooth.

Roll the body again. Kick the sheets off, too hot. Twisting. Needle lights. Fiberoptic burns. Blister-cold. Freezing, convulsions. In her head, in her head, in her head getitout.

Later, she wouldn't remember crying. York, good guy that he was, assured her that she didn't. She examined the nail marks on her own arms and made some joke about always being a fitful sleeper.

whore, sleeping w1th _our partner

York smiled, faint sadness she couldn't banish from his eyes anymore, pair of faces vanishing behind masks.

(I do not love you as though you were salt-rose, topaz)

In the armor she can't pull out her own hair or claw out her eyes. She can't smile at him either, though she does anyway. Snickering, tapping a rifle mag against the side of her helmet, gossip about that sullen middle-rank guy in the gray and yellow armor, seemed nice enough, just weird, right?

In her dreams her arms break into segments like little blocks, pulsating bits of data she holds between gossamer fingers, and she wakes up again with York holding her wrists away from the bloody mess of the back of her head where she tried digging her implant slot out with her nails.

Takes so long to recognize that noise as someone screaming. Even longer to realize the sounds are from her own throat.

Breathe in, damp recycled circulated air. Unlatch the straps of her helmet beneath the jaw and put on a smile for him to see.

(I love you as certain dark things are to be loved)

_gly creatur3

1 don't want t0 b_ here anymore please let me go h)me

Carolina peels back the helmet and takes her face and eyes with it, as everything rips into a sudden black.

Where she lands is not kind.

"--anct. Please watch your step."

This must be Command, she thinks, pushing bones back into sockets, fingers slipping over wet and shredded armor. The wan humor is a little distinctive.

"York?" she croaks into her headset, trying to turn herself over. "Baby, don't be dead, please."

"Analysis: loser boyfriend's odds of surviving fall 19.8%," Psi reported in his usual clipped tone. "Assessment: good riddance."

"I wanna go back to beeeeeed!" bawled Chi, who'd been crying since the crash. "Merryyyy!"

"It's okay, sweetie," Carolina mutters, blood snaking down in thick rivulets over her forehead. "Just hang tight for a sec, all right?"

Network Sample:

[ voice ]


[ A child's voice. ]

hell0? h_eLlOooo anybod}}}}'/ hom3?

[ a middle-aged male voice, just as glitched as the other. ]

Get away fr_m that.

[ the child. ]

b4w y0u'r3 n0_ fun psi

[ the woman. ]


[ the electronic voices quiet down. The woman clears her throat. ]

This is Freelancer Agent... [ concentrate. ] This is Freelancer Agent Carolina broadcasting on an open channel. This might not be the best time, but I'd like a few answers.
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