Pick a fandom/pairing, then pick a trope, and I'll tell you a little bit about the fic I'd write for that combo.
1. genderswap
2. bodyswap
3. drunk!fic
4. huddling for warmth
5. fake dating
6. secretly a virgin!
7. fancy dress
8. cross-dressing
9. forced to share a bed
10. truth or dare
11. historical AU
12. accidental baby-acquisition
13. apocalypse fic
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Hmm. On the one hand, I kiiiiiiiiind of want this big, epic crackfic where Alicia gets pregnant by accident (Will? Peter? Anonymous bar stranger?) and there's this slow burn as they find their way back together, what with Kalinda falling all over herself trying to make sure Alicia can keep her job? BUT THAT'S NOT REALLY BEFITTING THE TROPE, plus I think sweetjamielee is already half-writing it, so.
INSTEAD, let's say that maybe one of their clients gets unexpectedly arrested when Will and Kalinda are doing a house call (client's already under house arrest? sure, why not), and Will has to tag along, so Kalinda's left with the client's young baby while they wait for child services to show up. Slash, maybe they're also simultaneously scrambling to prevent the kid from getting removed? WHATEVER, there is a baby, and Alicia rushes over because Diane calls her and is all, "Also Will needs this brief and oh, P.S. Kalinda's watching the kid, no worries," which of course causes Alicia to immediately panic. And then she gets there, and everything's fine, and oh, wow, Kalinda can hold a baby.
So then the rest of the fic is probably Alicia calling up relatives, and dodging CPS calls, and realizing that the men-and-babies thing perhaps also applies to women. Kalinda, who already knew that, bounces the kid on her lap and calmly takes work calls from Eli.
So then the rest of the fic is probably Alicia calling up relatives, and dodging CPS calls, and realizing that the men-and-babies thing perhaps also applies to women. Kalinda, who already knew that, bounces the kid on her lap and calmly takes work calls from Eli.
Um, I'm sorry, YOU WILL HAVE TO WRITE THIS AT SOME POINT. I am going to GET OFF THIS COUCH to find a stick, sharpen it, and poke you with it if I have to.
Kalinda would be so good with babies in her usual Kalinda way. But yeah, everyone else would be alarmed.
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