(no subject)

Mar 05, 2007 21:30

Title: Trapped
Fandom: The Dark Is Rising
Characters/Pairing: Bran/Will
Rating: PG
Warnings: Shmoop with angst, slash
Summary: They fight on a hillside.
Notes: Blame the Nikki

He knows it's a matter of minutes before the black eye starts showing - he was too slow to duck, for once, hadn't seen it coming - but he can't be bothered to care right now as he tries to pin the squirming body below him to the grass, dodging flailing limbs all the while. They're rolling over the ground, getting absolutely filthy but not caring, trying to hurt each other as much as possible, even when one doesn't know why and the only explanation is a constant stream of Welsh obscenities.

Eventually, Will manages to trap Bran, sitting heavily on top of him in a way Robin taught him.
"Will you tell me what the hell is going on already?" He shouts, panting for breath and confused as he hasn't been since he was eleven.
All he gets in reply is a snarl and Bran shoving him off, rolling them over and pinning Will down.
"Dammit, Bran, what the hell is your problem?"
"Why didn't you tell me? I thought we were friends!"
Will is confused for a moment, not sure what Bran is talking about and suspecting the worst.
"Why didn't you tell me?!"
Bran has him firmly trapped by now and his heart is beating in his throat.
The grip on his shoulders is tightened even more and Will closes his eyes tightly.
"I'm sorry. I thought you wouldn't be interested. I didn't want to mess things up between us."
Bran glares at Will, shaking his head furiously.
"Thought I wouldn't be interested?! This is my life we're talking about!"
Will blinks up at Bran and bites his lip, deciding to just get it over with, no matter the consequences.
"I love you."
He half expects Bran to move away in disgust and so he's taken by surprised as he's kissed almost furiously. Their teeth clash against each other and one of Bran's hands finds its way into Will's hair. In the end, it's sheer lack of oxygen that forces them to pull apart.
"Why didn't you tell me?"
Will frowns now, not understanding - not wanting to understand - what Bran is talking about.
"I just did! I was afraid..."
Bran pulls away, huffing and shoving off Will, sitting on the grass and running a hand through his hair.
"I don't care! Fine, you love me. I love you too. What I want to know is why you wouldn't tell me who I really am!"
He's up on his feet by now, picking up his glasses and angrily pushing them up his nose.
"Who you are?"
Will gets an angry glare for his troubles and Bran moves down to straddle his legs again.
"Who I am, Old One." He spits out the epithet, looking into Will's eyes, seeing his desperation for an answer reflected there.
But Will doesn't answer, he merely reaches up and cups Bran's cheek, pulling him down for a hungry, needy kiss, wrapping around him and closing his eyes tightly when he feels tears of sheer joy coming up.

"You are the one I love, Pendragon."
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