get off my sack!

Apr 28, 2009 15:56

I'm finished with papers!!!!!  I have a presentation tomorrow in art history that I don't really care about and I have a feeling I don't really need to care about it too much.  I got another A on my second Jane Austen paper and my prof told me today that I HAVE to go to grad school and that she wanted to show my paper to all of her friends.  She's really way too nice to me, but it definitely does feel good to have an Oxford doctoral student approve my thesis idea with an exclamation point or two.  I finally decided that I'm going to write about Mansfield Park by Jane Austen (durrr!) and how the queerness of the heroine is reflected in Romantic philosophies  (sound gay?  Don't worry.  It is).  I'm totally stoked!

No classes or internship next week.  We're going to Stratford for three days to see As You Like it and A Winter's Tale performed by the Royal Shakespeare Company.  I'm excited to have the time off, but I'm also bummed that I might not be able to room with Claire.  BAWLZ!!!  I'd really much rather stay in Bath, go to the park everyday, and watch movies.  Bath is so gorgeous.  Can't we just be finished with classes and work so I can enjoy the weather?  My least favorite thing about school is that the last week is always finals and papers, and then you have to leave your friends and the place you love when you're stressed out as fuck.  NOT FAIR.

I still have to write this 40-ish page dissertation for my internship, but I've turned it into this excuse to watch Marie Antoinette over and over again.  I'm basically doing a close reading of the use of costume in the movie and how it relates to 18th century female identity and Sensibility.  Such bull shit.  Unfortunately, I have no way of telling what my grade will be because the internship adviser is a gross under-exaggerator, as in he says that it doesn't have to be academic in the slightest, it can even be chatty, implying that he is not going to grade very hard but then he gives you a B.  SOOO tired of that shit.  Just tell me the fucking truth, ya know?  I'm going to attempt to get an honest answer from him this week.  And it just occured to me, I think I was supposed to meet with him, like half an hour ago.  Haha, this is the second time I forgot about meeting with him, because I don't give a SHIT.  I got my $3000 scholarship and therefore he means nothing to me.  I'll just tell him I wasn't feeling well, haha, which is perfect because I'm still recovering from my week-and-a-half-long cold.  Man, I'm such a bad person.  He'll live, right?

I've been watching movies like mental since I got back from spring break.  Haven't felt like talking to people much anymore.  I'm definitely ready to go home!  24 days left according to my Facebook countdown!  FUCK YES, SUMMMMERRR!  Thesis research, time with lil bro and big bro, swimming with my puppy, PROPER vegetarian food, Mexican food and PROPER guacamole, playing Sims for days without bathing, watching Dawson's Creek at 6AM, hopefully reading tons of poetry, Claire visiting for two weeks, the drive-in, maybe a trip to Sedona.  God, yes.