Jun 29, 2012 14:36
I have seen over the last few weeks, an AWFUL lot of UTTER CRAP being posted to facebook, (as opposed to the usual general crap). In recent days there seems to be a LOT of homophobic rubbish emanating from the narrow minded fools across the atlantic, and generally that doesn't really bother me. If they want to get aerated about "rainbow cookies" or whatever that's their buisness.
I have my own sexual quirks and kinks, which while no great secret, I try not to bore people with TOO much, and I am good friends with several people who are in committed, long term, singe gender relationships; indeed some of those have turned out to be rather more "committed" and "long term" than their "straight" contemporaries, but that's another issue. I don't give a blue hoot what these people do with, for, and TO each other, and while I don't like to bandy the "L" word about, it is clear that these couples provide mutual support, care and bonding, as well as proving that any couple is much stronger together, than any two individuals.
The thing that's REALLY got my dander up this morning is the inclusion of "scouting" in that mud pit, and the assertions that all scouts are homosexual, and scouting in general is inherently "Gay". I am a "former" scout, in so much as I have not belonged to a group for a long time, but that doesn't mean I've forgotten Law and Promise, (though they have changed since I learned them, the changes are small matters of wording and do not significantly change the intent).
Scouts never had ANYTHING to do with sex, gay straight or other wise, it was is and always will be a youth organisation that ,in modern terms, was concerned with "GOOD CITIZENSHIP", it's founder was decades ahead of his time. The general philosophy of the organisation is one of inclusion and equality. I suppose that DOES mean that people who would be less widely accepted elsewhere can find a degree of acceptance within the scout movement, and so the organisation might attract an unusual proportion of these sorts of people. It is probably also true that this demographic is likely to be more vociferous in their protestations of solidarity, and equality, so on that level I can almost understand the point, but it merely betrays a particularly ignorant and narrow minded perspective.
Lord Robert Baden-Powell, or B-P. as he is affectionately known to scouts AROUND THE WORLD, would be REALLY disturbed by the way Scouting is being used as some kind of political pawn by people who know nothing about promise or law. Remember the context he is living in, a time when Britain really did rule most of the known world, and when the "class System" meant that "everyone knew their place". In a world filled with division B-P envisaged a youth that was more homogenous and accepting than most people could even IMAGINE.
Scouting is not just a thing you do, a Scout is a thing you ARE, and it's not just about belonging to the group, it's a whole philosophy. I said earlier that I haven't belonged to a group in a very long time, and I guess by most criterior that makes me a "former" scout, but the ethical structure is still valid in my life, so even though I am not a current member, I still count myself as a "scout" in many ways.
...and if you don't like that, kindly take your narrow minded, racialistic, homophobic, bigotry elsewhere!