Since I'll only be living here another two months or less; and almost none of my friends have seen where I live; and it is not a hang-out spot, being at best a cold, 30-minute walk from the nearest of said friends' places of residence; and out of an incorrigeable sense of pack-rattiness and maybe also a propensity for long, awkward sentences which test the limits of English punctuation and perhaps reader patience -- try reading 'modern' fiction, ugh -- oh, and also an equally incorrigeable sense of nerdiness; perhaps with a splash of exhibitionist intuition that others might find it interesting or at least pleasantly diverting, based on my own voyeuristic tendencies with respect to others' journals -- my sentence has you now: if you don't finish reading you'll be lost in curiosity and verbal awkwardness the rest of your life -- I have decided that a photo post is in order! I only photographed my little room, because I don't especially care for the atmosphere in the rest of the house. When the kitchen smells like roast animals, my room smells of apples and various saved teabags. When two different songs dive-bomb my door at high volume... unfortunately my room is not impervious, but I know it does its best. So in order that the current arrangement not be lost forever I give you:
night /
day (with only minimal stitching glitches!)