Birthdays - oh my

Jan 15, 2010 23:53

Compared to last year - this birthday has been simply well - if not great, certainly up there in the "good" and "makes me happy" range.

Of course, I am pretty sure I failed my stats final. 30 pages of questions, two hours, I left 30% blank and ran out of time (as did everyone). Oxford doesn't curve, doesn't double mark, and basically has made this whole thing a huge mess. But I'm glad it's over and done!

After the exam we all went straight to the pub. Kit bought me my drinks (yay!), and we all sat as a group - soon most left and Kit and Pam and I were once again the holdouts. Pam gave me some gifts too!  A very sweet pearl headband (a la Blair Waldorf) and a bow purse. Then we all ended up at Ben's cookies (delish). Of course, when I finally made my way home around 3 I got a phone call saying I had to go to Kidlington to pick up my package my parents sent. It took 2 hours!!!!!! And I was out in the middle of scary nowhere England! I may never leave Oxford again I was so scarred.

Then met Robin in town. Went for a lovely dinner. Then saw Sherlock Holmes. OMG - in LOVE. It's something about the Victorian gritty-ness and almost steampunk feel. And of course - Holmes/Watson fangirl love now. Came home - opened my gift.

DEAR GOD - nothisriotgirl  needs to win some kind of award. 2 pairs of Hello Kitty PJs, a million pairs of HK underwear, a HUGE HK card, trashy RPatz magazines, food yummies, polo sticker, Twilight calander and the best epic of all: I have a Edward Cullen doll (I KNOW! Hilarious!) and a shirt that says "I prefer my men sparkly". Dear god, the sheer amount of inside jokes involved in a present like that takes TALENT.    :)  <3 my bestie.

And from le parentals - the gift that took me so long to track down in the wilderness turned out to be money (always nice), and a brand new North Face jacket to cox in!  It's white and down and has a fur hood. Basically, excellent - more NF is always needed!

Gah - just so happy this birthday did not end up like last year's drama. Thanks to everyone who made it special!
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