Nov 08, 2009 11:20
I'm a grad student at one of the most prestigous universities in the entire world, and you would think this fact would make me feel like I need to work hard and really "get" the abstract concepts we are studying.
Yeah - not so much.
I have a paper + a tutorial due tomorrow at 5pm. Have I begun my paper? No. Have I read all the books for it? No....
Instead, I have been looking up recipes for butternut squash (soup or baked with apples I haven't yet decided upon) and I have been adding fun widgets to my mac dashboard. Oh - and checking facebook every five seconds and now updating LJ. Can I say - MIND NOT IN THE GAME.
I get distracted easily - I know this from past experiances. But right now, I just can't even focus on small things. I don't have any clue what is going on...