I feel guilty

May 17, 2011 21:11

 Nobody is even looking at this and I feel guilty for not writing an entry in half a month. Why, brain, why? (Also, never finishing that recommendations list. Ever. Too long; couldn't compile.)

In other news, I've been writing in my little handy book that I carry around with me during math, instead of paying attention. OOPSIES, at least trig is easy and I'm going to be repeating the class anyway next year! (That is not a healthy thing to think about school, I know.)


It's Sherlock/OC, very very gradual. And the OC is Asian American and loves boats like Sherlock loves murders. She's short-tempered and does not adore the idea of being shot at. However, she does like Sherlock because he is bright and very good looking and witty. (Did I mention she's shallow? She is. Extremely shallow.)

If anyone is looking at this, LOL NO ONE IS LOOKING AT THIS, would they be interested? Probably not because it's Sherlock and the only pairings they care about have at least two men in them, lol lol lol lol lol.


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