Apr 11, 2005 06:42
On Friday was a rollar coaster. We were all over the place before ending up at Ryans house. lol. There was so much drama that had to go on that night though. Most of Julie's fault. So, hopefully she will learn to mind her own business. I loved just being with Ryan especially on his birthday. It was just a fun night.
Saturday went out for awhile. Stopped at random places. Went to Ally's house and saw Mike and Tony there. That was interesting. Then went to visit Ryan at work and he was kind a pissed cause Comrad didnt come in. O well, he got that fixed. Aaron got his new TA. Its midnight blue and its a stick. lol. I went to Ericas and brought her Mickey D's, cause she wasnt feeling well at all. Then came home and talked to Ryan.
Sunday I had to work from 11-8. That was some crazy ass shit. I was dead by 8. Ryan came up to see me, and we just hung out at my house. I love the idea my parents trust Ryan so much with me. It makes me feel confident. lol. Crazy talk.
Tonight, Ryan is going to come pick me up from school and were just going to hang out at his house till 9. Then come back to my house. Im really excited.
Tueday- Gotta get my packing shit together
Wednesday- Work from 4-9
Thursday-Work from 430-830
Friday, Saturday, and Sunday- Gone all weekend, No ryan :(
Sunday-I come home and its Joeys birthday
Thursday Ryan and I will be going out for 2 mths.