sicksicktricks (6:19:25 PM): im running away
sicksicktricks (6:19:30 PM): after the holidays
ChIlllIpepper13 (6:19:34 PM): can i come?
sicksicktricks (6:19:56 PM): sure. im going with deianna too...you can get to know each other
Now I am running away with Elizabeth, Lauren, and some girl named Deianna. You can come too if you want.
So... math final was so easy and history wasn't too bad. I went to the Westlake promenade after school with Lauren. And then Monet came with us. It was fun, but I miss Santa Monica promenade. I haven't been there in forever.
Everybody knows now about this stupid nickname I made up for a certain someone and it's for embarassing cuz it's a pretty wierd name.
Only two days more of finals! Yay!
My brother is coming home tonight and I completely forgot until like five minutes ago. That means his friends are coming home too. This is going to be a good weekend.
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