101 images, in no way dial-up safe.
Meet Luke Scarlett, Will's younger brother. He, much like his older sibling, is hott. I pray to God we will see more of him in the weeks to come =D.
He totally moved closer to her. mfkmfomlasmflm;ejierjew Guy/Marian, I officially LOVE YOU. THERE, I said it!
Oh Robin and/or Jonas, please have babies with me.
Words cannot describe how happy my little shipper heart was when Djaq was the only one that could calm Will. <3<3<3
Oh babies =(. They both look so traumatized.
I love my emo Scarletts. A lot.
*crazy wheels turning*
I loved the lace in her hair =).
THIS. SCENE. mfimfaokfmamfaifmijamamf
JEEEEZUM!! WHEN did this show get so freakin pretty?! I LOVE IT.
=)! Time will tell if Much will be added to the Will/Djaq/Allan OT3 to make it an OT4 ;).
Swishy cape =D.
Luke, you are beautiful.
Pretty clouds make me happy =).
Ok, so this CGI was pretty poorly done, but IT'S PRETTY, so all is forgiven =D.
grrrr =]
This scene made me laugh =D.
mkmmfaom PRETTY!!
Guy then preceded to make a really hott and devious smile, but I couldn't get it to cap right. woe =(.
I loved the fake accent =).
I felt so bad for batshitcrazy!Will, it looked like he was about to have a heart attack.
"Kill my slashy lover?! =("
Will/Djaq =)
Will then locked her in a closet =(.
Doesn't it look like they're in
Moria =D? y/y?
mfksmfomokmaoskj SO PRETTY!
heee, I loved this =)
This was really silly. But paled considerably in comparison to what occured a minute later...
...=|....I just... I don't know what to say. Oh Robin Hood, you are truly ridiculous sometimes, and I think this is the silliest thing you have ever done.
But Robin likes it.
Oh Luke, it has been fun (besides the whole your daddy dying thing). Please come back soon ;D.
The last is from the preview for next week! So kindasorta Spoilers... but not really.
Oh crap =(.