After three years of failure,
I've successfully quit smoking!!
how fucking crazy is that?!
A lot of it had to do with me wanting to(obv), then me feeling really terrible about the recession and our family business that i totally shouldnt be spending any fucking money on that shit!
I've also moved into La Casa Latina here on campus. And I still feel really white and out of place, but hopefully that'll change. Everyone's really awesome and nice but I'm just not at a complete comfort level yet. My new roommate is INSANE and it's so awesome! hhaha
I have a HUGE crush on my English prof. Hahahahah. Something about English majors' wit! SRSLY.
My research paper is going to be on patriarchy in a radically progressive activist community. FUCK THE PATRIARCHY!!!!!! I've come to the realization that obv I'm really into writers but they def have to understand my activism. If not, shit's fucked! Plus, activists are hot. Also, they're sensitive to your struggle and your needs. Hahahahha.
Whatever, I'm too busy in my life to even think about having a relationship. Except last night, I had a dream that this activist friend of mine just *hugged* me and braided and played with my hair after i showered. Hahahah. I woke up pretty sad. Also, I'm having a terrible time trying to shower. like Frances McDormand in Friends with money. And it's weird because I used to totally go out of my way to shower at like 3 in the morning even when I didnt get sleep.
Either way, I had another crazy dream that we Americans fucking started World War III and there were like all these neo-nazis?!?! And America was having a parade. And i was like "WHAT ARE YOU GUYS CELEBRATING!!! NOTHING GOOD COMES FROM WAR!!!" HAHAHAhaha. Also, there was this yarn on the floor that I was trying to pick up because I was knitting. And someone came and was like "THE STITCH YOU'RE USING TO MAKE THIS SCARF IS THE SAME AS THE ONE USED IN WWII!!!!!!!"
Matt came to visit and it was fucking awesome last weekend. While last semester I was home like two weekends a month, I don't think I'll be back in Brick til March for spring break. And then who knows?!?! ALABAMA?!?!
Man, I was pretty depressed yesterday but now I feel as if a weight has been lifted. Since I don't have class for the rest of the day.
My life is so very busy but hopefully i'll reach equilibrium.
I think I'm going to China this summer!! Bai Laoshi says that I could pretty much double major in Neuroscience and Chinese and be totally fluent in Chinese by the time I graduate.
I've also joined the Pan-Af choir--Ubuntu! Also, I'm gonna join this foreign conversation thing!! So excited! Wooooo
also, lol this is my blog for my first year seminar. See y'alls later.