weirdass art & poetry meeting
Murder Mystery Night! Haha this night was so funny. Kelly and I just didnt understand the damn clues!!! But we took the cool flashlights.
halloween...idfk. totally got me addicted to kit-kats and crunch for a while. Whatev. I made a last minute costume and became arthur the aardvark rather than a dead b-girl
Mckenna's birthday toga party
City Trips with Alyssa!!! We saw the Decemberists and they were suprisingly a lott of fun live! and the next weekend we went to super pollo, the knitting factory, and amy's apartment. We watched a lot of movies together and i made her rice. Most importantly, we had a crash course in public transportation. Because we took the subway from brooklyn to manhattan to queens. Oh and we saw Borat. Hilarious and shit.
creepy picture hahahaha
amy's little backyard
how cute are jade and her friend
um i dont even know...
so my thanksgiving weekend was boring except for.....
sneezy, my favorite dwarf lol
It was so great because i looooove figure skating and we were the same level as the ice.
Yeah so i got into this really bad fight with my mom about fishnet stockings and she made me cry! She's so goddamn harsh. I'm not even gonna go any further.
I spent the whole weekend watching tv show marathons and falling in love with a character in each of them. Hahah seriously.
Oh and watch this video this was a fun day and christine came over and we watched silent hill and then matt alyssa and erin came a little later. I've decided that even though i'm uptight as hell, I can be fun and funny when I want to. But I'm still pretty much cynical as hell, which is a downer, obvi. And I'm always just going to be really weird.
I'm almost done with my diary! I've never kept one for this long, the first entry in it is from september of last year. It's soooo weird reading it and so weird cause i would always be randomly happy. Whatever. Awkward moments keep coming back to me.
Besides knitting, lately all I wanna say are the words "mon cheri" and "bananas in pajamas". IDFK!
I love Jade and the fact that we're close. She always asks me to watch movies with her because that's our bond. And she's the best cuddler ever!! Hahahah
I had a project to do for french to talk about things we did at certain ages and I wanted one of my sentences to say
At 13 years old, I traveled to Peru
and i didnt have my book with me so i forgot the word for travel and the word traveiller sounded good cause i remember we were learning it or something
My actual sentence shouldve been
A 13 ans, je voyagais a Peru
But my sentence was
A 13 ans je travaillais a peru
which basically translates into
At 13 years old, I worked in peru lol
more like
At 13 years old, I worked in a peruvian sweat shop
IDK! I laughed for a really long time to myself.
Oh yeahhhh
but definitely not as funny as when i turned red as hell and was drooling from cracking up becaus arielle thought last year i told her i wanted corn rows for proms. LOL!
p.s. I have really fun cousins. they're hilarious