St. Patrick's Cathedral, 5th Ave
The Carriage we rode in (also used for the Eloise movie apparently)
Riding the Lion outside the New York Public Library(mandatory)
Hot Catwoman Suit (from "Superheros" exhibit at the MET)
Gorgeous desk design (MET)
On the Alice and Wonderland Sculpture (Central Park)
...harassing Dormouse...
Central Park- it really is lovely
make-your-own-color makeup I've been raving about:
I'm not usually much of a makeup person (costumage aside)... but when I get to play with pigments and color... wow! It's even certifably all organic and veggy. You can't order the insane colors online- but you can call a shop, send in a color sample to match, etc. And of course, in person, which is more fun.
Lego Madness at FAO (including a city with Odd Things happening, and Giant Star Wars and Harry Potter sculptures)
I took many, many photos in the Museums (MET and MOMA) of paintings- details, things in front of other things... I'm always thinking of things I'd want to teach about (hence photos of unfinished paintings, underpaintings and close-up on brush-strokes). I'm always looking really closely to learn new things. Always notes and sketches in the book as well.
l-wire sculpture at MOMA. Want to play more with l-wire. This was part of a design/tech exhibit (much of which is stuff we've seen or heard about in the daily coure of things, but new stuff too).
Brancussi sculpture in front of Brancussi painting (Futurist).
My Man looking fabulous with his glowing umbrella (hard to see in this pic, but still...)
We also took many, many architecture-geeking shots.
I tried to get a Magritte-nod shot in with the Apple store and the glowing umbrella, but it didn't come out as well as hoped. (Glowing Apple hovering over man with glowing umbrella sort of thing).
Matilda, the Algonquin Cat.
Our hotel was like an English Gentleman's Club (though lacking proper loose-leaf tea, despite teapots).
It was once a haven for a circle of famous writers as well. Old wood paneling, brass, and the much-adored Matilda. I never thought I'd be able to stay there.
A wonderful trip. Happy girl.
Full huge honking set
As far as actual things done, it looks pretty much standard art-tourist. On the other hand, it was incredibly nice to relax, not try and cram everything in, and just enjoy being there, seeing the things we most wanted to see, and just wandering and playing the rest of the time. So glad
soulrefraction got a little vacation out of this. As he put it "he had been getting a little crispy".