Teachers keep getting fired for getting kids to think

May 16, 2007 09:37

Top Teacher Shown the Door After Showing “Baghdad ER”

Here we go again with this sort of thing:

Award winning art teacher fired over field trip to museum (a kid complained to their parents about a nude sculpture).

other article says that people moved into the district for her art program. Grrr.

Other teachers sacked for making kids think:

Award Winning Teacher, Hemp Proponent Fired By Kentucky School Officials

Emmanuel College Proff over shooting discussion

I am increasingly convinced that our country as a whole is getting more conservative and uber insulated- banning tag and dodge ball- even legos in preschools (because they create a competitive environment). Oh dear. I lately saw The Neverending Story and realized that they would never have gotten away with it now- sphinx statues with breasts showing? Nipples? No way.

I live in one of the most liberal cities in the world, and yet the kids are super insulated here. I was taken aside one day and told that there would be serious problems with me calling one of the kids "little monkey". She was climbing me, and I call all the kids who do that (quite affectionately) monkeys. They seem to like it. But she was black and "parents might get the wrong idea". I should have asked if they were telling me to treat her differently because she was black. Grrr. The rigidity of the PC thing is oppressive in it's own way- when you don't look at what is actually going on and run or take offense at buzzwords.

These kids- the children of the affluent super-liberal are less barred from experience by ideological conservative and more by hopeless insulation. People don't want them upset or disturbed, to come into any conflicts, to be unhappy for a moment. PEOPLE CAN'T GROW without that! Dissonance is an established part of the growth process.

Kids don't scrape their knees anymore without major incident and much fuss made. I thought that was part of being a kid. I am worried about the state of things- the sterility and stagnation of a increasingly controlled and contrived society.

Now to be fair the teachers getting fired thing goes both ways: Teacher fired for voicing her negative view of interracial marriage.

Math Teacher Fired for Teaching Christianity

Ont the other hand I think that in the first cases the kids were given debates, or experience, not daily fed a creationist viewpoint. The interracial marriage one is tricky though. A kid asked the teacher's personal opinion. While I completely and utterly disagree with her stance, she should not be fired for her opinion.

I found myself in a tricky situation just subbing for a couple days on Viet Nam. We discussed all kinds of things teachers are usually wary of touching. I feel good that the kids felt like I was showing various sides and not like they were being pressed into a belief. Still- I probably would have been charged with something in Texas.

teaching, news, politics

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