Hmmm, realizing that I have a lot to do in the near future. Gotta get my Burning Man prep covered in the next 3 weeks.
Only thing is, now I'm teaching gym, 8-4:30. The amount of energy left over after kid-juggling in minimal. Hopefully though, I'll get into better shape doing it.
Have a lot of sewing to do, some signs and a bike-rack to make, stilts, and various other stuffs. Gotta sess my current equiptment and get the foods and such. That said, for basic purposes only, I think that all I'd really need beyond what I've got is a trip to the grocery store and a little rebar.
Well... camp meeting at 2 and I'll find out what else I get to make/do. Excited.
BTW- I'll be gone from august 12th to august 22nd, then gone for BM. Also... does anyone who plans to be there monday have space for me in their car? I have the option of borrowing Topher's, but I don't think he knows what he's in for there, and also, wouldn't feel right if he's not going. Sadly, it doesn't look good for him being able to go. :(