Some of my favorite words in use in Scotland, and then some random ones.
knackered- my favorite "fit for the Knackers" (the people who break down horses for glue). So if a horse is so worn out it's nearly dead... So too, can a car be "knackered" (or any other bit of equiptment). People who are dead tired... recently it's also had the conotation of tired from sex.
kip- crash (like at someone's house- taking sleep where you can get it)
kit- your clothes/outfit
natter- chatter, talk, gossip, nag... I've heard it said affectionately, or with the naggin connotation. meh?
thrapple- throat/gullet
nawks??? (someone gave me this one and I can't find the meaning anywhere!)
ta- thanks
fash- worry
sprog- small child. Also "sproglet". One of my favorites for child-bearing is "she dropped her sprog!" It just sounds all wrong- like an industrial accident. :)
teuchter- a yokel, especially a Gaelic speaking one.
one thing I like is that people still use "lass" and "lassie". Ex.: "He fancied this lass down in Edinburgh". I also appreciate that "Aye" is still in full use. I caught it years before I lived in Scotland, working Faire. When I got back, it wouldn't go away, but when I said it in response to an inquiry, people generally who say "you what?"
But really, it's the way things are pronounced. For example: Mad = Maadt You just need all the extra vowels you can find (or to make the most of the ones present), and to stick t's on the end of some things.
This is what happens when I read "Wee Free Men" aloud and I obviously have other work I need to be doing. :)
any of you Scottish lads care to add any?