Beautiful things

Dec 29, 2004 17:08

Monday, skiing- a rainbow in the mist, circling the sun

Last night, the solitary sound of the creek slipping along under the ice. No wind, not a creature stirring, not even a mouse. Everyone in bed, the trees black against a white sky, the road a ribbon of white through the woods.

Today, skiing again (!) dark clouds, greys almost purple circled us all day, but never shadowed us. I saw the most clear silver lining I've ever seen- a single shot of sparking grey/white against the deep purple that hung over the valley. Wow.

Later, the sun rode the edge of the clouds, occaisionally breaking through with what my high school art teacher called "god's spotlights" (Baroque painters used them a lot). Gorgeous.

Also, an excellent day of skking. Can do every trail on the mountain, and only get passed by racers. Had a great day of it, but I think that if I'm going to improve signifigantly, I'll need a lesson.

Had a spectacular fall when an old man suddenly came out of a dead stop on the side in front of me. I sprayed snow everywhere! Big roll down the mountain. Such fun. Falling has lost adenoline for me since Ju-Jitsu- now kinda fun. If I start to, I don't really struggle too hard.

Tomarrow, New York. Yay.

nh, little things, beauty

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