Always By Your Side Master Post

Feb 10, 2019 22:49

Waves! Welcome to my first ever attempt at a big bang!

Thanks again, to the supremely talented Lenelle for her extremely creepy artwork. Go give her kudos here! Also, a massive shoutout to the mods, who were amazingly flexible when an emergency work trip totally screwed my original schedule for finishing this up and posting. Because of said crazy work situation, this sadly was not beta'ed. I've tried to clean this up as much as possible, but any and all issues are my fault alone. Hopefully, in spite of all that, this is still a good read and not too, too confusing

Story here

Minibang, by Threadofgrace

Title: Always By Your Side

Rating: PG
Warnings and Tags: Suggestions of Past Non-Con, Mental Deterioration, Inadvisable behavior by and towards cats, animal abuse

Summary: Song fic, based extremely loosely on the lyrics of the Pink Floyd Song, “Lucifer Sam.”  A minor AU set after the events of Season 7 episode 1. Bobby sends the boys off on a case in coastal Maine. As they drive cross country, Sam struggles in his efforts to hold it together. And there is this damn cat, who is inexplicably following them everywhere and making Dean increasingly paranoid. Even getting to Maine looks to be increasingly in doubt as both of them deteriorate in their own way.

Lucifer Sam

By Pink Floyd

Lucifer Sam, siam cat

Always sitting by your side

Always by your side

That cat’s something I can’t explain

Jennifer Gentle, you’re a witch

You’re the left side, he’s the right side

Oh, no!

That cat’s something I can’t explain

Lucifer, go to sea

Be a hip cat, be a ship’s cat

Somewhere, anywhere

That cat’s something I can’t explain

At night prowling, sifting sand

Hiding around on the ground

He’ll be found when you’re around
That cat's something I can't explain

alwaysbyyourside, bigbang

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