Dear Yuletide Author

Oct 28, 2012 23:47

Yikes! This is my first yuletide, and first yuletide letter, so I'm resuscitating my live journal for this. Anyway thanks so much for taking this on! I really appreciate it and I can't wait to see what you come up with!

In the Woods-Rob and Cassie Basically I want to see the reunion between the two of them. It by no means has to be neat and pat! In fact, I think it would be more realistic if its not, but it would be great to see what their interactions are like a year or so in, (maybe post the likeness?) Extra super duper bonus points if you want include an idea for what happened to Rob as a little kid-I'm game to read an amazing theory! Once again, I'd even prefer if you dont wrap everything up in a nice tidy little bow, but it would be still cool to see some of the holes from the book filled in.

A Place of Greater Safety-Camile, Danton, Robspierre I devoured this book and I was super struck with Camile as a character. I loved how Mantel suggested the darker edges of his character, and now I want you to make it explicit! Basically, I want something hot, sexy,  and more than a little bit dark between Camile and Danton and/or Robspierre. I imagine some kind of a powerplay gone wrong perhaps, but I'm open to other ideas. Up to you.

Revenge-Nolan and Jack The idea of the two of them as a thing occurred to me in season one and I've not been able to stop thinking about it since. Make it so number one. Anyway you like.

In general, I like a little bit of guy on guy =P. I often enjoy a bit of a dark tone, (including consent issues) but it definitely has to be consistent with the source material, and if there is a little bit of well done hurt comfort thrown in, even better! I am not opposed to happy endings, but only if the characters work for it, and if an ending doesn't fit, well....I'd just as soon leave it open. Thanks again and have fun!

yuletide 2012

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