The Crazy that's me

Jan 22, 2010 07:22

I'm so unfettered, I fall asleep.

From September through 12th Night I worked on my 12th Night outfit and there was constant pressure to be doing embroidery, hat-making or sewing in every spare minute. It was constant! Now that it's done and I'm full of spare minutes, I sleep. I figure part of my snooze fest is my job is very tense right now and it's requiring my undivided attention all day, which is tiring. It's also the kind of weather that encourages me to snuggle under the blankets and watch rain drops slide down glass windows. But I also think that since I'm getting my fitness in during lunch this week and I have no projects stewing in the workshop, I just have no drive to be productive at night and once the evening of homework and chores are done, I just relax onto the sofa and sink in.

Living without the constant pressure of a project is weird, too. I guess being spread a little thin is what keeps me jazzed and moving forward. Weird. I had to slow down to see it, though.

The solution? I think I'll hit the gym tonight (I hope the New Year resolution crowd will be absent) and do some weight lifting. That will get my creative juices churning. I need to make a second hat and set of sleeves for my 12th Night outfit - something less suited for Carnival (which is kind of what 12th night is like) and more suited to daily wear.

Running/Pre-Half Marathon update ...

The half-marathon is in 2 weeks and I think I'm underprepared. I'm okay with that, though. The point of registering for it was to have something that would motivate me to run and work out during the winter, which I have been, and to take off my weight, which has been less successful.

On the running front, my expectations towards running have changed, which I find interesting. Nothing like analyzing your own thinking process to put friends to sleep, but I used to dread a 1 hr run and now I think of that as a daily run and not a long run. My brain plays the negotiation game with the 80-90 minute run.

On the weight front, I didn't gain over the holidays and I'm down a few pounds. So not 100% successful, but going in the right direction. There is nothing gained by regret or beating myself up and I just cleansed my house and brain over it and have some healthy strategies that work for my schedule. So moving along, I'm journaling. And by the way, 1/2 the Sampler Appetizer Platter at Carrows is 24 points.

My strategy for the race is to run my tempo pace (which is about a 10 minute mile) and walk the length of the water stations while hydrating. I assume there will be a water station every 3 miles or so. That will give my legs a 2 minute recovery period without running into exhaustion. So I'm not worried or stressed about this like I was my first triathlon. It also helps to hear some accomplished runners at work talk about the halfs they didn't finish and they don't sound remorseful. So there it is. My long run this weekend should be 9 miles and next weekend it should be 10 miles, then I taper and it's the race.

Running log for the last week:

Saturday I did my long run, 8 miles.
Sunday - nothing (busy from 7 am to 8pm)
Monday - nothing (slept 12 hrs after work)
Tuesday - nothing (too tired)
Wednesday - 4.5 miles
Thursday - 6 miles
Friday - 6 miles (+ weights in gym)
Saturday - cardio in gym - give running legs a break.
Sunday - 9 mile long run.


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