Ah, Morning

Dec 18, 2003 07:26

Today I learned that it is, indeed, easier to wake up when one has slept the night before.
With this in mind, I've decided to do this 'sleep' thing more often, say.. two or three times a week rathern than once.

It occurs to me that there needs to be a cure for fatness. I'm sure I'm not the only one who believes so. Now, the less sedentary of you are saying, "Try moving occasionally. Maybe even exercising." And to you I say.. "SHUT UP, BITCH!"
I DID exercise, till my DDR pad broke... and I got bored of my other exercises (pushups, mostly. Occasional machine at American Family Fitness Center.)
I had lost weight, too. Now I daresay I am creeping up on 200 again. I may even be there already *shudder*
Its come to my attention though that 200 pounds doesn't seem like a lot to some people. Just keep in mind that I am short. And that only like 100 of that is muscle. Then factor in some bone and such. I probly have around 50 pounds of pure fat. Ggh.

Anyway, I should probably go to school. Sayounaraminasai (Two-Mix puts me in a mood to attempt Japanese again..)
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