Apr 26, 2010 23:21
What's your favorite guilty indulgence?
I succumb to occasional panic attacks which cause a certain amount of guilt, but they're certainly not favorites. Sometimes I doubt my purpose, or resent his presence, but those aren't favorites either, are they? Fine.
I collect and watch holodramas. Particularly ones involving Wynssa Starflare. No, it isn't like that. She was a very classy actress. There were a few productions in which she played a racier role, but she was quite prolific, never really pinned down to one role. She could be arm candy in one holo, the lead in another, the villain in a third, each with a radically different personality. A fine actress, one of the greats. She could make even the worst holo seem a little bit better.
Oh, I suppose that I can justify it in a few ways. I think that he enjoys comparing her performance and how it changes over time; at any rate he's never made more than a token protest when I settle down to watch one. I can say that I admire her talent, how she seems to traverse from one role to another with such ease. And those are true.
But the fact is that I own both seasons of the "My Little Tusk-Cat" children's serial, with computer-generated graphics, and I watch it in the full knowledge that there is no value in it. Starflare provided one of the characters' voices, and that is all.
Do I have a crush on her? Perhaps. My template knew of her but was not terribly interested. If he knew anything beyond that she was married to the Baron Soontir Fel and thus was interesting, he has not told me.
Sometimes I wonder what happened to her after her husband defected to the Rebellion.