I'm currently ranked number 4 in the league at the local game store. That's not bad, and the three players ahead of me are very good, so I feel no shame at being below them on the ladder.
Doomreavers cannot be targeted by spells, and they only have 1 wound, so they would go splat if thrown by a Khador heavy 'jack. Throwing your own models at the enemy is a valid tactic though. There are two variations I intend to use once I have the models painted.
The first is the "Flying Dragoon." The Pershing Man-'o-War Drakhun is an expert rider and cannot be knocked down. His low-ish defense of 12 makes it reasonable for a 'jack to throw him without needing a boost, especially if approaching from the back arc. With armor 19 and 10 damage, he can survive being thrown - on average he'll suffer no damage.
I'm currently painting models for a Vlad list where Vlad will cast Boundless Charge on the Drakhun and have a Kodiak throw it. That's a 18" threat range (throw 6" + move 7" + charge 5" from spell).
The second, perhaps more reckless maneuver is for Irusk to cast Superiority on a 'jack (making it immune to knockdown) and then have another 'jack throw the enchanted 'jack. A variation on this is to have a 'jack throw Epic Irusk's bonded jack (which is immune to knockdown). The smart play here is to cast/bond something like a Sprigan and throw with a Devastator. You can potentially have a 17" threat range with this combo:
The first is the "Flying Dragoon." The Pershing Man-'o-War Drakhun is an expert rider and cannot be knocked down. His low-ish defense of 12 makes it reasonable for a 'jack to throw him without needing a boost, especially if approaching from the back arc. With armor 19 and 10 damage, he can survive being thrown - on average he'll suffer no damage.
I'm currently painting models for a Vlad list where Vlad will cast Boundless Charge on the Drakhun and have a Kodiak throw it. That's a 18" threat range (throw 6" + move 7" + charge 5" from spell).
The second, perhaps more reckless maneuver is for Irusk to cast Superiority on a 'jack (making it immune to knockdown) and then have another 'jack throw the enchanted 'jack. A variation on this is to have a 'jack throw Epic Irusk's bonded jack (which is immune to knockdown). The smart play here is to cast/bond something like a Sprigan and throw with a Devastator. You can potentially have a 17" threat range with this combo:
Devastator bulldozes the Sprigan 2" forward
Devastator throws Sprigan 6" forward
Sprigan charges 7" (move 4 + 3" charge)
Sprigan's reach of 2" = 17" threat
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